Our Founder

On Mission began inauspiciously in 2014 when our Founder Mike Omoniyi felt a Godly impression to go on missions to Tenerife. He rallied together 9 friends and partners who made the trip and came back 7 days after with their lives changed forever. The trip revealed just how desperately people needed the Gospel. Many on the trip have since dedicated their lives to ministry and helping people understand the Gospel. Since the trip,On Mission has been constituted as a charity and has been helping thousands across the world discover Jesus and make him known

Our Mission

Our mission is to help people discover Jesus and to equip them to make him known. The world is dark. Despair. Confusion. Corruption. Abuse. Depression. Despondence. Meaninglessness. If not just words that litter our headlines, they are sentiments that trickle across our lives. The need for light has never been more urgent and a generation that is becoming increasingly concerned about this is millennials

Our Funding

Thus far, we have been sustained by the prayers and the generosity of believes and supporters of our work. 100% of our funding is from donations. God’s pattern is not only to raise up people with a message and a vision, but also partners in prayer and finance. When you give, you can have the confidence of knowing that lives are being impacted for eternity 24/7 through our work here at On Mission. We invite you to join us in this work by becoming a ministry partner and making a donation.