D. W. Brown

Dan is from Northern Ireland, and currently works as a Network Analyst. His job involves travelling all over Europe to inspect internet installations in hotels. He spent a large part of his childhood in West Africa as a missionary kid. He is passionate about theology, and is currently exploring what he feels to be a calling into full-time ministry in the future.

Samson and Delilah: A Cautionary Tale About Flirting with Sin

The story of Samson and Delilah in Judges 16 is one of the Bible’s most sobering cautionary tales. It’s the story of a man chosen and anointed by God, equipped with incredible strength to deliver Israel, who fell not because of his physical weakness but because of his inability to resist temptation. Samson’s downfall serves as a warning to us today about the dangers...

What Hills Should We Be Willing to Die On?

When engaging with other Christians, when should doctrine divide, and when should unity prevail? This is a question that each of us must grapple...

When It Feels Like God Isn’t Answering

How do we respond when something we long for doesn’t happen or is taking a long time to happen? We’ve all been there, where...

The Way You Respond To Suffering Matters

As Christians, when we see the war, inequality, cruelty, disease and death (for simplicity this piece will group these under “suffering”) ongoing around our...

The Gift Of Singleness

In the church today there seems to be an assumption that if you’re a young person who is single, it’s only for the time...

A Brief Look At Bible Translation: Is it Reliable?

I confess that I am guilty, at times, of taking my access to the Bible for granted. I don’t often think about how blessed...

Why Racism Rejects the Gospel

Hi reader, thank you for clicking on this article. As a charity, it is due to the donation from individuals that allow us to...

How Can I Overcome Social Anxiety When Returning To Physical Church?

As COVID restrictions have begun to ease, your church may have already started meeting in person again or may be planning to do so...

Why you need to forgive the person who hurt you

Hi reader, thank you for clicking on this article. As a charity, it is due to the donation from individuals that allow us to...

The Gray Areas: How should Christians navigate alcohol and drunkenness?

You don’t need me to tell you that alcohol is a huge part of our increasingly secular culture, especially among young people. For millions...

Why You Shouldn’t Give Up On 2021

I don’t know about you, but on New Year’s Day, I felt a sense of relief. 2020 was a tough year for obvious reasons...