JJ Irukwu

JJ is a graduate in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of Manchester. He is a marketing manager at an international media orgnanisation, also doing freelance marketing work. JJ is passionate about communication as seen in both his professional role and his role at OGGM sat as part of the editorial team. JJ is a contributor to weekly articles but also sits as one of the trustees tasked with overseeing the general governance of OGGM

A Message to Doubting Christians

Have you ever felt great distress about the state of your salvation, wrestling with the haunting question, “Am I truly saved? Have I truly believed, or am I being deceived?’ Or, like me, have you ever been so overwhelmed by doubt that you checked the news to see if the rapture had already taken place, convinced you were left behind because you couldn't find...

How Do I Discover My Purpose? Pt. 1

What should I do next? Who should I be around? Is it too late to change career? Why shouldn’t I feel worthless right now?...