About Course
For many Christians, the roles of the Father and Son are well understood and covered. However, regarding the Holy Spirit, there are some blurred lines regarding understanding His role, purpose and work within the Trinity. He may even be seen as a lesser God or a servant of the two. Or simply an impersonal power or ethereal, abstract energy. Throughout this course, we aim to teach how The Spirit is personal in every sense of the term, He is co-equal and co-eternal to the Father and the Son.
Contents and overview
The first lesson looks at the Topic, ‘Who is the Holy Spirit?’. During this lesson, we want to introduce our students to the second member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. We will be teaching about the personhood of The Spirit. Examining how He has a mind and thinks (Isa. 11:2; Rom. 8:27). He is capable of experiencing deep affections and feelings (Rom. 8:26; 15:30). The Spirit has a will and makes choices regarding what is best for God’s people and what will most glorify the Son (Acts 16:7; 1 Cor. 2:11).
The second lesson will introduce students to ‘The Characteristics Of The Holy Spirit’. Since He is an invisible spirit, it can be often hard to relate to Him and His work in our lives. During this lesson, we want to demystify the Holy Spirit by taking a look at His characteristics and examining how He is at work in our lives.
During the third lesson, we aim to dive into the topic of the role of the Holy Spirit within the Godhead. We want to differentiate between His role and that of the Father and Son and understand the role of the Holy Spirit in the world and in the believer’s life.
The fourth lesson titled ‘Fellowship with The Holy Spirit’ covers two main topics. Firstly, it looks at how we build an ongoing fellowship with the Spirit within our personal lives. Secondly, how we are called to walk by the spirit and live a life of godliness (Gal 5:16), and with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we can do so.
The last lesson, ‘Gifts of the Spirit’, explores how The Holy Spirit has given gifts to the body of Christ to edify and equip the body for life and godliness. The lesson will also cover the role of love and servitude in the use of spiritual gifts and the unity in the body that spiritual gifts should highlight.
Course Content
An introduction to The Holy Spirit
Who Is The Holy Spirit
The Characteristics Of The Holy Spirit
The Role Of The Holy Spirit
Fellowship With The Holy Spirit
The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit