(2 Ratings)

Sharing The Gospel 101

Categories: Gospel, Missions
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About Course

This course is set to introduce you to the key principles to help you not only know the Gospel but to also share the Gospel message. Throughout this course, you will be introduced to key lessons all aimed at equipping you to evangelise to close friends, colleagues at work, strangers on the street, or even overseas on missions.

Contents and Overview

The course “How to Share the Gospel” is designed to equip believers with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively share the message of the Gospel with others. Over the course of six lessons, participants will explore essential topics such as the nature of the Gospel, the concept of evangelism, the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelism, the Christian call to evangelise, and practical techniques for initiating conversations about faith.

Lesson 1: What is the Gospel In this introductory lesson, participants will gain a clear understanding of the Gospel and its significance. They will explore key theological concepts such as sin, redemption, and salvation through Jesus Christ. Through biblical references and examples, participants will learn how to articulate the essential components of the Gospel message.

Lesson 2: What is Evangelism This lesson delves into the meaning and purpose of evangelism. Participants will explore different definitions and approaches to evangelism, examining both personal and corporate dimensions of sharing the Gospel. They will gain insight into the biblical foundations for evangelism and its relevance in today’s world.

Lesson 3: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism Understanding the vital role of the Holy Spirit in evangelism is the focus of this lesson. Participants will explore how the Holy Spirit empowers and guides believers in sharing their faith. They will learn practical ways to cultivate a dependence on the Holy Spirit and discern His leading in evangelistic endeavors.

Lesson 4: The Christian Call to Evangelism In this lesson, participants will explore the biblical mandate for all Christians to engage in evangelism. They will examine the Great Commission and other passages that highlight the responsibility of believers to proclaim the Gospel. The lesson will also address common obstacles and fears associated with evangelism and provide encouragement to embrace this calling.

Lesson 5: How to Start a Conversation about Faith Initiating conversations about faith can be challenging, but this lesson aims to equip participants with practical strategies to overcome barriers and effectively engage others. Participants will learn practical techniques for initiating meaningful conversations, active listening, asking relevant questions, and sharing personal testimonies in a respectful and persuasive manner.

By the end of this course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the Gospel, a solid grasp of the principles and methods of evangelism, and practical tools to confidently start conversations about faith. With this knowledge and confidence, participants will be better equipped to fulfill their calling as ambassadors of Christ and effectively share the life-transforming message of the Gospel with others.

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Course Content

What Is The Gospel?

  • What Is The Gospel?

What Is Evangelism?

The role of the Holy Spirit in Mission

The Christian calling for evangelism

How To Start A Conversation About Faith

Student Ratings & Reviews

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Love this!
4 years ago
This was so informative! I would definitely recommend that every Christian does this course.