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What is #PNEUMA2021?

Right in the beginning in Genesis 1:2, we learn that “the earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the surface of the deep”. However, we also learn that “the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters”. This is such a power picture; when all that existed was chaos, God was up to something.

Pneuma – the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal and coeternal with the Father and the Son.

It’s hard to describe 2020 in words. We have all been through so much. For a lot of us, things have been chaotic and 2020 was a year of some loss. We may be wondering what’s next, and what happens as we come out of this season.

This is what Pneuma is all about! We aim to explore what the spirit of God is doing at this time in history. We hope to discuss the relevance of His word in our situation, restoration and building back after disaster. Through a blend of keynote speakers, seminar leaders and fellowship, we want to grow in our knowledge of the Holy Spirit and what His fresh wind can achieve in our lives.

When is #PNEUMA2021?

The retreat will take place from Monday 28th June 2021 to Friday 2nd July 2021.

Who is OGGM?

Our God Given Mission began inauspiciously in 2014 when our Founder Mike Omoniyi felt a Godly impression to go on missions to Tenerife. He rallied together 9 friends and partners who made the trip and came back 7 days after with their lives changes forever.

The trip revealed just how desperately people needed the Gospel. Many on the trip has since dedicated their lives to ministry and helping people understand the Gospel.

Since the trip, Our God Given Mission has been constituted as a charity and has been helping thousands across the world know and preach the Gospel.

We do our work through a variety of channels. First is through Missions, the first one dating back to 2014. Through our Missions department, we make it possible for young people to be trained and to spend time abroad on Missions trips, spreading the gospel abroad and providing aid to organisations. Through our editorial, right here on this site, you are able to read articles, watch videos, listen to podcasts and take courses all geared at helping you know the Gospel and preach the gospel. “On the Ground” refers to our offline events like annual 200+ person retreats, our touring live show, homeless outreaches and more. You can take a look at our annual social impact report to see the full documentation of our work for the year.

To find out more about our work, visit our website at www.ourgodgivenmission.com

Purchase your tickets here!


We are a non-profit registered charity (1170615) and as such have worked hard on working on a fair and cheap price so everyone who wants to attend #PNEUMA2021 can attend. Therefore,

1x ticket confirms:

– Accommodation for the week, (4 nights/5 days accommodation);- Attendance for one person;- Admission to the event;- Transport to the event and back to the pickup point (Coach from Birmingham, Manchester and London);- Food – breakfast, lunch and dinner for the duration of the event;- Access to all of the sessions- and a great time!

Your place will be confirmed once you have purchased a full ticket!

1) FULL ADMISSION TICKET (Non-refundable*) – This ticket included everything mentioned above! It is a one-time payment and once paid you can sit back, relax and count down the days till #PNEUMA2021

2) DEPOSIT TICKET (Non-refundable*) – If you don’t have all the money right now but you still want to confirm your place, this deposit tickets will allow you to that! With a non-refundable payment of £20.00, you can secure your place on the retreat. The remaining balance of £180.00 is then to be paid by Saturday 29th May 2021.

*Tickets will only be refunded in the event that #PNEUMA2021 can no longer take place due to COVID-19 restrictions.


If for any reason you want to make this retreat but you cannot because you are homeless or you’re struggling due to having no income whatsoever, then we would like to help! Please email us at contact@ourgodgivenmission.com to discuss this further or please copy and paste the link to sign up for the hardship fund:


Lastly, if you have any questions regarding tickets, you can email us at contact@ourgodgivenmission.com.

We look forward to meeting you.

Yours faithfully,

Our God Given Mission