Jesus’ parting words were simple. Take this good news that I have lovingly shared with you and do the same thing for others. Go out into the world and spread the good news with all nations (Mark 16:15). In our increasingly busy and virtual world, it’s easy to forget this instruction. It’s easy to think that the message is not for us but for a select few, the chosen, or those who can find time. The opposite is true, Jesus’ instructions were for everyone. At Our God Given Mission, we take this instruction seriously. We want more people to go on missions, especially those who struggle finding the time. We have created a 10 week training program where we teach you about missions In the bible and in the world. The course ends with participants themselves spending 1 week overseas for a missions trip where they get to witness the impact of the Gospel they preach.


Applications are taken all year round on our website.


Typically facilitated remotely



Post missionry assesment and action plan for Mission living


Phase: Planning and Development

We are in the planning phase for a Missionary trip to Tenerife in October 2020. The trip will see us supporting the work of local Churches and Pastors there. We will also be street preaching and mistering to young people


Phase: Planning and Development

We are in the planning phase for a major Missionary trip to Zambia. We will be partnering with Operation Mobilisation to make this project happening. The trip will see us will be send 2 weeks proclaiming the gospel and supporting churches, street preachers and disable kids and rural families./
