Write for us

“Writing for Our God Given Mission has not only provided me with the unique opportunity to not only help people know and preach the Gospel, but also helped me to develop my ability to articulate the biblical truth of the Gospel.”

Toye Akinoso, Editorial Lead

Our God Given Mission (OGGM) is dynamic Christian Charity deeply impassioned by The Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our God-given mission to set out into this ever-darkening world, to make known God’s radiant truth and equipping those carrying the same passion, to enlighten the masses.

As part of our writers’ team, you will be a key part of our voice, reaching our audience – you are key to helping people know and preach the Gospel

Things to consider when writing for us

  1. Our Voice: We want to be more intentional about our voice. Every article matters, it either adds to our reputation or breaks it. Make sure you are aware of the kind of articles that push forward our voices. Articles that help people know the gospel and preach the gospel
  2. Weekly Submission: You have a week to work on a piece so rather than rushing, spend time planning, working on the argumentation. Your argument should be strong and should explore as you can whilst being succinct and clear
  3. Professionalism: We are all professionals and so work submitted must meet a minimum standard. If work doesn’t meet this minimum standard it will be rejected. This means simple things like spelling/phrasing, grammar must be on par. You article should be around 500-800 words. Please aim to get around the 800 range with 10% above or beyond. 
  4. Communication: Please pitch before you start writing and ask for help throughout. We want your articles out on time and submitting on time and communication is the key to that.
  5. Our beliefs: Please find attached (below) our statement of faith, these are the biblically informed core beliefs of the Charity which our writers must agree with.

If you have gifts in writing or editing, and if you agree with our statement of faith (found above) and are interested in becoming a writer, please fill out this form.
