How Do I Discover God’s Purpose For My Life?

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Why am I here? What is my purpose? What am I supposed to be doing in this period of my life? These are questions that anyone with breath in their lungs will either have wrestled with or might be wrestling with. You as the reader might even find yourself pondering these questions. My hope is that by the end of this read, you will be filled with a God centred trust, peace and hope regarding your future.

Your Present And Future Is God’s Past Memory.

In other words, you’re contemplating what God has already envisioned. Psalms 139:16 comforts us with the following verse, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Jesus stated that he came to do what was already written in the scriptures according to God’s will (Hebrews 10:7). God essentially authored the autobiography of Jesus’ life, the prophetic words we read in Isiah 9:6 and other passages of the Old Testament are the things Christ became flesh to fulfil. In the same fashion, God has envisioned and authored the fulfilling and purposeful autobiographies of you and me. He created our human bodies for His vision to be fulfilled on the earth. We do ourselves a great disservice trying to figure out the answer to these big questions of our life without its source.

Prioritise Intimacy With God

The psalmist states “My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the earth (Psalm 139:15).” Our lives were formed in the secret place and it’s in the secret place that we uncover it. In the secret place is where we ask God the deep things concerning our lives and he guides us in connecting the dots of the skills, passions and talents that He intricately formed in us. It’s where he leads and guides us into what He authored beforehand as we prayerfully, persistently and patiently ask Him to lead and guide us. One of the superpowers of the secret place and intimacy with God is seeing the famous verse on faith come alive and replace all our worries and anxieties about our present and future with confidence and assurance. “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1).

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Prayer Is The Master Key

When Cornelius calls for Peter, and Peter goes to see Him, they are both led by God to meet one another in their times of prayer (Acts 10). When the Church at Antioch were praying and fasting, they were led by God to consecrate Paul and Barnabas for his work Acts 13:2. There’s an obvious correlation that we ought to learn and emulate between Jesus’s prayer life as documented all over the gospel, and his seamless discernment of and submission to what the Father was saying (John 12:49) and doing (John 5:19).  May the Holy Spirit direct us to discern and enable us to perform God’s will concerning our lives in the present and future.


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