Christian Living

Dont just pay lip service to Jesus

In the book of Luke Jesus gives the parable of the two builders. The parable warns us about the dangers of paying lip service to Jesus and his teachings but not obeying. Luke Chapter 6 verses 46-49 The Wise and Foolish Builders46 “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? 47 As for everyone who comes to me and hears...

What is true worship and should I do it?

When Jesus said we should worship him in spirit and truth, what did he mean and how do we as Christians lay claim to this? In the Gospel of John, chapter 4, verses 21-24, we find a profound and transformative conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman at the well. This passage unveils essential truths about worship, urging believers to transcend physical and cultural boundaries...

Why does God seem bossy?

John 14:15 “If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who...

God sees everything you’re going through

I remember, years ago, I visited one of my younger brothers who is a musician. He was headlining a show and after I made...

Faith means waiting on God’s perfect timing

In the journey of a Christian's life, one of the most challenging aspects can be waiting for God to answer our prayers. We live...

How studying the bible every day can change your life

It is difficult to overstate just how important a daily reading practice of reading the bible can be. From my perspective, it's the single...

Struggling to pray? Read this.

Whilst many believers know prayer is essential to the Christian life, many still find it difficult to build a consistent prayer life. When...

Where Is my joy gone?

As Christians, we are called to live lives that are marked by joy. However, in the midst of life's challenges and trials, it can...

Three Lessons I Learnt From Tim Keller

On the 19th of May 2023, Tim Keller went home to be with the Lord. A hugely popular figure who left his mark on...

Your theology can change your emotions

Have you ever been told that your feelings don’t matter? Or that you ought not to be led by your emotions but by the...

Three Things To Consider Before You Join a Church.

Looking for a new church is hard. Whether you have been in church all your life or are new to the family, finding a...

Hedonism: The Pursuit of Joy

If you pay close attention to the news or social media, you are sure to find the things that divide us as humans. Whether...

My wins are not my identity

In our winning-obsessed culture, it's easy to make your successes part of your identity. We must resist this temptation because our identity is in...

Does being a Christian influence your desire to win?

Growing up as a student-athlete life was somewhat simple. Win at any cost and make sure you don't lose. Before I became a serious...