Bible Study

Stop following Influencers

In an age where social media influencers and cultural icons shape the thoughts, behaviours, and aspirations of millions, it becomes crucial for Christians to remember and adhere to the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1: "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." This verse offers profound guidance on the importance of resisting the lure of worldly influences and instead, aligning...

How to love people you don’t like

In the heart of the Christian faith lies a command that is as challenging as it is transformative: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44). This call to radical love is not merely a suggestion but a central tenet of living out the Gospel. Understanding the command to love our enemies As followers of Christ, we are invited to embody...

Building Radical Hope

Joke: Q: How do groups of angels greet each other? A: Halo, halo, halo. What Is Hope? Let’s start by taking a look at what hope...

What is Biblical Justice?

`Joke: Q. What’s the best way to study the Bible? A. You Luke into it. Biblical justice involves making individuals, communities, and the cosmos whole, by...

Loving Your Enemies

Joke: Q: Which area of Palestine was especially wealthy?A: The area around Jordan, because the banks were always overflowing Jesus brought up the issue of...

Not Ashamed Of The Gospel

Joke: Who was the first tennis player in the bible? Joseph because he served in Pharaoh’s court In Romans 1, Paul addresses the Gentile believers at Rome and...

True Discipleship

Q: What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer lived in Eden? A: Your mother ate us out...

Biblical Optimism

What kind of organisation is Atheism: a non-prophet organisation. Optimism is “the tendency to expect the best possible outcome or to dwell on the most...

God’s Great Grace

Joke: Q. What animal could Noah not trust? A. Cheetah God’s grace permeated Paul’s thinking. One scholar writes, “Paul could not think of Christian truth...

Living In View Of Eternity

Q: Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible? A: Samson, because he brought the house down Turning on the news or flicking through social...

How To Experience Perfect Peace

Who do mice pray to? Cheesus. Key Verse: “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you.” (Isaiah...

Jesus The Bread Of Life

Q. Who was the fastest runner in the race? A. Adam, because he was first in the human race. Jesus, when speaking to the masses...

Jesus our City of Refuge

Joke: Q: How do groups of angels greet each other? A: Halo, halo, halo. "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous...

Faith: Real Heroes

Joke: Q: Which servant of God was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the Bible?A: Moses. He broke all 10 commandments at once Discussion Who are some...