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Why am I suffering?


Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” (Luke 24:26)

Purpose: Step In the Right Direction

In modern times, due to the proliferation of information, we can often become absorbed into our own worlds’: our houses, our families and our circle of friends.

#Mission2015 – Day 4


So God blessed the seventh day and made it HOLY (Genesis 2:3).

*side eye suspicious face*

Could He reallllllyyyy have given us any more of an obvious clue? Sunday was a day full of surprises, because what God had in store forus was almost scary, when He says ‘holy’ don’t think He doesn’t mean it!

#Mission2015 – Day 2


“Wake up! It’s time to wake up!” Micheal diligently shouted from the corridor. And so day two began, at the not-so-early hour of 8am, and what better way to start the day than with a prayer walk? Slowly rubbing the sleep from our eyes, willing ourselves out of bed – many of us wondering what a prayer walk could actually entail – in not so speedily a time, we eventually made our way out of the villa to the corner of Calle Virgen de Fatima (Virgin of Fatima Street).

Learn to Forgive


A short note on FORGIVENESS

Then came Peter to him, and said, “Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Till seven times?”

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Jesus said unto him, “I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.”

It is human nature to hold grudges. Even the most Christ-like of us struggle to defy our human inclination to seek revenge or reparation. It is essential to understand that Jesus’ mandate (Matthew 18:21-22) is not that we forgive four-hundred-and-ninety times. That is an awfully strenuous act. In fact, it is his mandate that we open ourselves to forgive as often as we are wronged.


Whether it is the first, or the thousandth time, we are to forgive with grace, and that grace can only come from God. God is asking for unlimited forgiveness. His grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9) and He lives with and within us. There should, therefore, be no limit on our willingness to forgive our fellow human.

But the point of forgiveness is not to mend the bridges between humans. Forgiveness has the wonderful effect of bringing peace to us. When we forgive, we are not burdened by the load of revenge and grudge. Forgiveness allows us to move past our grudge rather than being stagnated by it.

If our God can forgive us for our sins every time we transgress, it is only fair that we, at least, try to do so too. Our mission in this life is to run the race like God would. What Would Jesus Do? We are asked to be perfect (Matthew 5:48), but in our sinful nature, all we can do is try to live a life that is worthy of being like Jesus Christ. So, again, if God is willing to forgive us numerous times, how much more should we be eager to do the same? (Ephesians 4:32) Forgiveness is the purest form of love that we can show each other. It frees us, mends bridges and puts us in right standing with man and God.


Forgiveness comes from a position of strength and is a healer. Conversely, holding a grudge is equivalent to letting the devil live rent-free in your life. That is not the tenant you want to accommodate. Holding a grudge drains us of our happiness and peace.

Remember that we are all human. And while we all strive for perfection, humans are flawed and have been since the Garden of Eden when Eve allowed the devil to tempt her. So, it is a great leap forward to forgive someone when wronged and it is the only way we can achieve freedom.

Life is short. Love all unconditionally and forgive those who hurt you and find peace with all men.



Just Not Poor Enough


I’ve never felt more compelled to write a piece than I feel about this particular one. Preaching a sermon several weeks ago led me into a deep study, and during that study the Holy Spirit ministered a seemingly simple phrase to me. He said,

OGGM Homeless Outreach

For Chrismas, OGGM and volunteers went out to give gifts and spread the news of Jesus Christ to the homeless! Find out what happened

A Tense Conversation

Future: Hello my name is Future, what’s up Present? I know you haven’t met me yet, but I’m pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Sorry to intrude in your life and all, but I couldn’t help myself. You see… I’m not sure how much you know about me, but to make things easier, I am you, but I have already been here before, right where you are now…

Present: It sucks right?

Future: (laughs) That’s what I thought too.

Present: I mean, things aren’t that bad, they’re just not exactly how I want them to be. (Pause) Like, I know that I’m destined for greatness and that God has this amazing plan for my life but at the moment I can’t see how it’s going to happen.

Future: Yep, I know how you feel, and I want to help you a little bit, but before I carry on I want to introduce you to our old friend Past.

Present: Hey Past, long time.

Past: You always say that, I know you all too well Present, you always like to be ‘in the moment’ … whatever that means.

*Present gives Past a fake smile*



Future: Anyway… how’s it going?

Past: Well you know, same old, nothing that hasn’t happened before.

Future: I and Present were just talking about life and God’s plan.

Past: Ah! That explains why Present is in a mood. You’re forever failing to see the good in a situation or how much power you have.

Present: Excuse me?!

Past: You fail to see how fortunate you are, if you don’t like something you can change it. If you want something just go and get it.

Present: It’s easier said than done mate.

Past: At least it can be done. My life is set in stone, it is what it is, and Future’s life is based on the decisions that you make today. I can’t control the course of my life, once upon a time you decided that for me. Now I’m stuck with those decisions; good and bad.

Present: You don’t know how it feels to be me, the uncertainty I have to live with, not knowing what lies a head, not knowing my future.

Past: This is what I don’t understand about you! You always want Future when Future is in the Future… well a part from today of course, but I’m always with you! It seems like you couldn’t care less, you’ll trade me instantly for Future. This is why you’re never content. You keep forgetting about me.

Present: But you’re yesterday’s news, been there done that. I don’t want to dwell in the past.

Past: No one told you to, that’s my job, all I’m saying is don’t forget about me, learn from me, seek wisdom from me. Do not forget where you came from and what the Lord has done for you and those before you. Why do you think the Lord calls Himself the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? He is a God of generations. The same yesterday, today and forever. If He did it before He can do it again. The Bible, being the oldest book with the latest news, is God’s past, but still His present and future.

Present: But God is perfect, some of my past is best forgotten.


Future: Erm … I kind of have to disagree with you there. Sometimes the past can reveal something significant about your future. Correct me if I’m wrong Past, but there was a time in primary school where Present, you were being bullied, which lead you to start an anti-bullying campaign in secondary school because you saw that people were still being bullied. So many people have benefited from that, both while you were there and countless people in the Present since the years you left. Although the past can be painful, all things work out for good, for those who love the Lord. The past can fuel your passions for the future. There is something powerful about empathy, not just feeling sorry for someone, but truly understanding them and their situation.

Past: Mmh that’s true, that’s what makes Jesus so amazing, Hebrews 4:15 says:

* “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet He did not sin.”

I love the end, “yet He did not sin!” He knows exactly what you’re going through now, the hardships, the temptation, but He remained blameless because He was yielded to the Father! If Jesus did sin He would not have been able to say “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Enabling Paul to say:

* “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me”. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Future: Wow … Jesus man. To go back to what I was saying before, I believe you should come to peace with Past, don’t forget him. I even believe that if you look closely at Past, your character, interests, and so on, you may see glimpses of me, Future. There was good in Past, even in the bad there was still good that came out of it.

Present: True …

Future: It says in Jeremiah 29:11:

* “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Trust me when I say He has! And it reminds me of Job 8:7:

* “Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be” (NIV), another version says “And though you started with little, you will end with much.” (NLT)

Past: Listen, I know we’ve had a rocky relationship, but just know that I’m always here for you, Okay?

*Present smiles at Past*

Future: Aww, this is what I like to see.

Present: Erm … you knew this was going to happen…

Future: Yeah, but I still like to … Present don’t start before we have a problem.

*They all laugh*

Past: Present your phone is ringing.

Present: Ooo, I have to go guys!

Past: Why?

Present and Future: Destiny is calling!

*Present and Future start bickering*

Present: Don’t ever do that again.

Future: One minute you want to be me and the next you don’t, make up your mind!

*Conversation fades*

#MCOG | Chapter Two

#MCOG (My Celebration of Gospel) is OGGM’s night of Music and poetry! We use it to celebrate the gospel of Jesus Christ This was the 2nd Installment of the concert To find out more about OGGM

Best Friends With the Person I Ignore?


As Christians, there is often a lot of focus on ‘following rules’ and doing things religiously, often leading us into the checklist mind-set; mentally ticking off boxes to give yourself that self-satisfying pat on the back. Unfortunately, this can often do more harm than good, helping us to tip-toe into neglecting an intimate and real relationship with God.

Consider it this way. How often do you set yourself a godly standard, fail, then beat yourself up about it. Not only that, but then stroking your ego by telling yourself that ‘well, at least I feel guilty … that must mean there’s still some good in me’. The problem with this is that, as Romans 3:20 says, ‘by the deeds of the law, there shall be no flesh justified in his sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.’ Romans 7: 18 continues by saying

‘For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for the will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.’

These passages stand to remind us that in actual fact, we are incapable of reaching true union with God if we merely follow prescribed rules. Instead, we should strive for a deeper relationship and an intimate understanding of who He is. When you are intimate with God you are better able to understand His desires, His power and what He wants for/from you. It is only from this honest communion that He will give you the Holy Spirit to enable you to live righteously.
Of course, it’s all well and good telling you to consider change whilst offering no assistance, so here are a few ways to deepen your relationship with God that I personally have found useful:

  1. Listening to Gospel music in the morning.

This seems like such a small thing to do but is very impactful. When you start your day off with gospel, you are inviting God into your day and asking Him to walk with you. By setting your mind on the things of God in the morning, you are empowering yourself for the day ahead.

The first thing that should enter your mind in the morning is God and He is the first person you should converse with. Once you do this, anything else you do throughout the day becomes easier because you have strengthened yourself. Besides, if you happen to be so busy you don’t get a chance to get on your knees and pray that morning, at least you would have communicated with God in some form.

2. Go on ‘dates’ with God.

Set time aside in your diary for Him, be it weekly or bi-weekly, take 2-4 hours to just sit in His presence and be with Him. It doesn’t have to be constantly praying for 4 hours, but you can study the word for an hour, pray for an hour, listen to Him speak for an hour, worship, or honestly just sit in silence and shut the world outside off. God is peaceful, and if you struggle with the rest, just create the space for Him to at least talk to you. The list is endless.

30 minutes of prayer daily is good, don’t get me wrong, but long, impactful sessions are necessary to really build a bond with Him. Consider the amount of time you spend with you best friend. Would your relationship stand its ups and downs if you weren’t so involved in each other’s lives?


3. Study His word.

The bible holds the answer to virtually any question or problem you might be going through. We often spend so much time worrying and searching for answers or moaning that God is not speaking to us when all we need to do is read the word. To understand God deeper, to know His plans for you, how he wants you to relate with Him, how He wants you to relate with others etc. you need to read your bible. What people also fail to realise is that when you study the word for yourself you won’t have to rely so much on what other people claim God says about you or how He wants you to live, because you already know the will of the one who created you from His own words.

Hebrews 4:12 says

‘For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.’

There will be things in the bible that will challenge you and convict you, but ultimately, it is a weapon of warfare that you can’t neglect. It has active meaning and is current and relevant today and will continue to be even 200 years from now.


4. Go to his house (church).

If you were in a romantic relationship, it would be odd if you never made the effort to visit the person. The same applies to staying away from God’s house. Paul urges us in Hebrews 10:25 to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together but to exhort ourselves. Nowhere in the bible does God say that we do not need to come together, rather, most of the New Testament is addressed to the church as a body as opposed to individuals, and Paul constantly urges us to remain as one body. God says that

‘Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there’ (Matthew 18:20)

therefore, we know that God is in the church so if you are seeking Him, it would make sense that the church would be a good place to start.

Saying you can’t go to church because of sinners is like saying you can’t go to the gym because of fat people

Whilst it is true that those in the church are not perfect and do make mistakes, in Mark 2:17 Jesus makes it clear that it’s not those who are healthy that need a doctor, but those who are sick. God’s house is for sinners who want to change. Saying you can’t go to church because of sinners is like saying you can’t go to the gym because of fat people or the hospital because of sick people. You’re just as sick as them and even if you’re not, you should be able to bear with the afflictions of your brethren rather than condemn them as hypocrites. The church is to edify and strengthen you. Do not forsake it.

Whilst there are a lot more tips that can help create intimacy with God, these are just a few, but most importantly, if you have the desire to become intimate with Him and you ask Him to help you, I guarantee you all the other things will to fall into place. The more time you spend with Him, the more the eyes of your understanding will be opened, and the desire to please the one you love will teach you what is right or wrong.