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How Could A Loving God Send GOOD People To Hell?


We want to follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus in communicating the very real truths about Heaven and Hell.
We hope that this provides compassion, conviction and clarity for you and enables boldness to speak these truths or repentance in view of them.

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Our God Given Mission (OGGM) is a registered charity in England and Wales. The charity is built on the biblical instruction of going out into all the world and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone that will listen.

Gospel simply means [ GOOD NEWS ]. The good news of Jesus’ coming to the earth to rekindle our relationship with GOD! The gospel is the greatest news anyone will ever hear, so at OGGM we are dedicated to spreading this news! We are also dedicated to mobilizing others to do the same


We cannot carry out the mission without you! We are called OUR God given Mission because the mission is too great for us to do alone! Keep up to date with articles, videos, podcasts and other online content that is sure to keep you on your toes.

How Do I Forgive Someone Who Hasn’t Said Sorry?


Subscribe now for more! https://goo.gl/vAu6AD


Website: https://goo.gl/tBQHMy
Youtube: https://goo.gl/vAu6AD
Facebook: https://goo.gl/YAyPys
Twitter: https://goo.gl/YBctgr
Instagram: https://goo.gl/ZbGRZ7

Our God Given Mission (OGGM) is a registered charity in England and Wales.The charity is built on the biblical instruction of going out into all the world and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone that will listen.

Gospel simply means [ GOOD NEWS ]. The good news of Jesus’ coming to the earth to rekindle our relationship with GOD! The gospel is the greatest news anyone will ever hear, so at OGGM we are dedicated to spreading this news! We are also dedicated to mobilising others to do the same


We cannot carry out the mission without you! We are called OUR God given Mission because the mission is too great for us to do alone! Keep up to date with articles, videos, podcasts and other online content that is sure to keep you on your toes.

How Do I Stop Comparing Myself On Social Media?


Subscribe now for more! https://goo.gl/vAu6AD


Website: https://goo.gl/tBQHMy
Youtube: https://goo.gl/vAu6AD
Facebook: https://goo.gl/YAyPys
Twitter: https://goo.gl/YBctgr
Instagram: https://goo.gl/ZbGRZ7

Our God Given Mission (OGGM) is a registered charity in England and Wales.The charity is built on the biblical instruction of going out into all the world and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone that will listen.

Gospel simply means [ GOOD NEWS ]. The good news of Jesus’ coming to the earth to rekindle our relationship with GOD! The gospel is the greatest news anyone will ever hear, so at OGGM we are dedicated to spreading this news! We are also dedicated to mobilising others to do the same


We cannot carry out the mission without you! We are called OUR God given Mission because the mission is too great for us to do alone! Keep up to date with articles, videos, podcasts and other online content that is sure to keep you on your toes.

How Do I Make The Most Of My Singleness?


How do we make the most of our singleness?

Subscribe now for more! https://goo.gl/vAu6AD


Website: https://goo.gl/tBQHMy
Youtube: https://goo.gl/vAu6AD
Facebook: https://goo.gl/YAyPys
Twitter: https://goo.gl/YBctgr
Instagram: https://goo.gl/ZbGRZ7

Our God Given Mission (OGGM) is a registered charity in England and Wales.The charity is built on the biblical instruction of going out into all the world and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone that will listen.

Gospel simply means [ GOOD NEWS ]. The good news of Jesus’ coming to the earth to rekindle our relationship with GOD! The gospel is the greatest news anyone will ever hear, so at OGGM we are dedicated to spreading this news! We are also dedicated to mobilising others to do the same


We cannot carry out the mission without you! We are called OUR God given Mission because the mission is too great for us to do alone! Keep up to date with articles, videos, podcasts and other online content that is sure to keep you on your toes.

What Do I Do When I DON’T Desire God?


Every Christian has dry spells. How do you deal with it?

Subscribe now for more! https://goo.gl/vAu6AD


Website: https://goo.gl/tBQHMy
Youtube: https://goo.gl/vAu6AD
Facebook: https://goo.gl/YAyPys
Twitter: https://goo.gl/YBctgr
Instagram: https://goo.gl/ZbGRZ7

Our God Given Mission (OGGM) is a registered charity in England and Wales.The charity is built on the biblical instruction of going out into all the world and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone that will listen.

Gospel simply means [ GOOD NEWS ]. The good news of Jesus’ coming to the earth to rekindle our relationship with GOD! The gospel is the greatest news anyone will ever hear, so at OGGM we are dedicated to spreading this news! We are also dedicated to mobilising others to do the same


We cannot carry out the mission without you! We are called OUR God given Mission because the mission is too great for us to do alone! Keep up to date with articles, videos, podcasts and other online content that is sure to keep you on your toes.

The Pulse | S1:E4 | Does The Bible Condemn or Condone Slavery?


In this episode, we tackle a deep and pressing question in the touch. What does the bible actually say about slavery and how does God encourage we deal with this controversial question

Subscribe now for more! https://goo.gl/vAu6AD


Website: https://goo.gl/tBQHMy
Youtube: https://goo.gl/vAu6AD
Facebook: https://goo.gl/YAyPys
Twitter: https://goo.gl/YBctgr
Instagram: https://goo.gl/ZbGRZ7

Our God Given Mission (OGGM) is a registered charity in England and Wales.The charity is built on the biblical instruction of going out into all the world and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone that will listen.

Gospel simply means [ GOOD NEWS ]. The good news of Jesus’ coming to the earth to rekindle our relationship with GOD! The gospel is the greatest news anyone will ever hear, so at OGGM we are dedicated to spreading this news! We are also dedicated to mobilising others to do the same


We cannot carry out the mission without you! We are called OUR God Given Mission because the mission is too great for us to do alone! Keep up to date with articles, videos, podcasts and other online content that is sure to keep you on your toes.

How Do You Evangelise to Close Friends?


In this episode, we tackle how to spread the gospel to close friends. Those closest to us can sometimes be the hardest to reach, They can be our biggest critics and therefore difficult to speak to.

This series is called #ThePulse. Its an opportunity for you to ask questions about faith. Our team will receive your question, filter it through the Gospel and produce answers and advice that may help you.

We maintain that the greatest answer to any problem in the world is answered by and through the Gospel.

Send your questions in: contact@OurGodGivenMission.com

Subscribe now for more! https://goo.gl/vAu6AD


Website: https://goo.gl/tBQHMy
Youtube: https://goo.gl/vAu6AD
Facebook: https://goo.gl/YAyPys
Twitter: https://goo.gl/YBctgr
Instagram: https://goo.gl/ZbGRZ7

Our God Given Mission (OGGM) is a registered charity in England and Wales.The charity is built on the biblical instruction of going out into all the world and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone that will listen.

Gospel simply means [ GOOD NEWS ]. The good news of Jesus’ coming to the earth to rekindle our relationship with GOD! The gospel is the greatest news anyone will ever hear, so at OGGM we are dedicated to spreading this news! We are also dedicated to mobilising others to do the same


We cannot carry out the mission without you! We are called OUR God given Mission because the mission is too great for us to do alone! Keep up to date with articles, videos, podcasts and other online content that is sure to keep you on your toes.

What Is The True Gospel


We are excited to announce a new series we are starting here at OGGM. This series is called #ThePulse. It’s an opportunity for you to ask questions about faith. Our team will receive your question, filter it through the Gospel and produce answers and advice that may help you.

We maintain that the greatest answer to any problem in the world is answered by and through the Gospel.

Send your questions in: contact@OurGodGivenMission.com

Subscribe now for more! https://goo.gl/vAu6AD


Website: https://goo.gl/tBQHMy
Youtube: https://goo.gl/vAu6AD
Facebook: https://goo.gl/YAyPys
Twitter: https://goo.gl/YBctgr
Instagram: https://goo.gl/ZbGRZ7

Our God Given Mission (OGGM) is a registered charity in England and Wales.The charity is built on the biblical instruction of going out into all the world and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone that will listen.

Gospel simply means [ GOOD NEWS ]. The good news of Jesus’ coming to the earth to rekindle our relationship with GOD! The gospel is the greatest news anyone will ever hear, so at OGGM we are dedicated to spreading this news! We are also dedicated to mobilising others to do the same


We cannot carry out the mission without you! We are called OUR God given Mission because the mission is too great for us to do alone! Keep up to date with articles, videos, podcasts and other online content that is sure to keep you on your toes.

You Only Live Once

SPEAKER: Jesse is the youth and young adult pastor at The Lighthouse Church. Jesse has been part of The Lighthouse for 8 years.

He leads a dynamic group of young people and students and is responsible for preaching, teaching, strategy and pastoral care for the youth and students in the church.

Jesse also has a team of like-minded, dedicated young people who support him in the vision of building the Church of tomorrow today.

Follow Jesse on social media

Facebook: Jesse Willis
Twitter: Jessewillis7

Representing God at work

SPEAKER: Bajo has a bachelor’s degree in history. His involvement in Jesus House dates back to 1994. He was ordained an assistant pastor in 1995 and a full pastor in 1999 and served as assistant to the senior pastor until early 1997 when he moved to Brighton, East Sussex to set up Peace Haven Christian Fellowship, a parish of Jesus House.

In August 2001 he returned to Jesus House as Youth Pastor responsible for the 16 -21 year olds, and is currently the director for youth ministries (which encompasses TM4.12 for ages 13 – 15 and Raised Up in Christ (RUC) for ages 16 – 21). He is the National Co-coordinator for Youth of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (UK).

Bajo also oversees ReConnect (the young adults’ ministry) and the Singles Ministry.