Oluwaseyi Sobogun

A lover of Jesus and spoken word, Oluwaseyi is passionate about people finding their purpose in Christ. She is currently in her final year of an apprenticeship in Architecture. When Seyi is not studying or working, she likes to read a good book with a cup of Chai.

The Riots show that the UK needs healing

In recent weeks, the UK has witnessed scenes of unrest and division that have left many of us troubled and searching for answers. Riots and protests, often born out of deep-seated frustration, have erupted, highlighting the fractures in our society. As Christians, we are called not to turn away from these realities, but to engage with them through prayer and action, striving to be...

When God says “No”

When we pray, do we always assume that God is going to give us what we ask for? Often we use phrases such as...

How Can You Tell If Your Friendships Are Genuine?

Our duty as Christians is not to merely have friendships with each other but to dive deeper into the life of another through fellowship....

Do We Still Believe in the Saving Power of God?

There can be many obstacles in our society that diminish our ability to openly share the gospel. At the same time, our generation has...

Glorifying God With Our Giving

Hi reader, thank you for clicking on this article. As a charity, it is due to the donation from individuals that allow us to...

What Does It Mean to Walk in The Holy Spirit?

Galatians 5:25 says “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit". But how do we know we live in...

What Does it Mean To Be Free In Christ?

I am saved by grace, what next, do I keep living as I was before, just with the knowledge of the grace of God?...

Be Humble Like Christ Our Humble King

The word humility is often thrown around to mean different things. People have even self-professed themselves to be “humble”. However, a humble person will...

Don’t Waste Your Time: The Problem with Idleness

For the last year or so, we have been confined to our homes and personal spaces. The conditions of a national lockdown have left...

The Dangers Of Oversharing Online

Oversharing is not a new issue; people have been sharing intimate details on family, romantic relationships and past traumas in casual conversations long before...

I Am Not Always A Happy Christian

There is a common misconception that as Christians, we will always be happy. We will always be positive and full of optimism. That although...

How To Care For Those Struggling With Their Mental Health

As of late, it seems as though the church community is learning to talk more about mental health and really understand that being a...

The Dangers of Gossip And Why We Should Avoid It

Hi reader, thank you for clicking on this article. As a charity, it is due to the donation from individuals that allow us to...