Hope Campaign Launched

What is the problem?

All over the world COVID-19 is spreading at an alarming rate. The Government has asked everyone to avoid gatherings, crowded places and unnecessary travel to stop its spreading. 

As of the 30th of April 2020, more than 5,000 people in the UK with COVID-19-related deaths in the UK currently at 233. Across the world, a similar image emerges, with over 319,134 confirmed cases and more than 13,697 deaths.

Spreading at the same rate is something just as deadly and fatal– FEAR. We are seeing the proliferation of confusion and disillusionment; people lost with nothing sure and secure to cling onto. 

As believers. we believe it is our duty to act and so we want to share with you what we propose to do about this. 

What is the solution?

The Hope Campaign.

The Hope the world offers is the hope that things will get better materially. We aren’t seeing gospel proclamation as we have never seen before. If the government are coming together to provide support for people then why can’t Christians get together at this time to proclaim the hope we have.

Not just that things will go back to normal but in a living God who is in control. We believe that the answer to the hopelessness we see in the world is the infallible Gospel –  we believe in all its simplicity, beauty, and saving power.  Understanding it.  Enjoying it. Sharing it.  We, therefore, aim to provide an interactive online and offline space where people can engage with sound teaching about God, gain skills to share the gospel more effectively quickening their pursuit of finding joy in Jesus.

We believe the gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe, and we have found a way of expressing its truths to a millennial generation in a language they understand.

In these difficult times, we can rejoice because we have a living hope but many do not and in this season; they are feeling the effect. Because of COVID-19,  we have seen many stories of people coming together to provide support materially, celebrities donating money and funds being created.

We want to help people build an iron-clad hope that won’t be put to shame

Because of this, we are looking for 60 backers who have this hope inside of them and want it for other people. 60 backers who are willing to partner with us to make this Hope Campaign possible.

Where will the donations go?

1. Skilled and passionate staff -Bringing on board passionate and skilled staff to work on digitalising our content. A dedicated resource to ensure the impact of the charity is constant and growing in a sustainable way. Make it possible for individuals to pursue an exciting paid role focused on giving hope through impactful gospel-saturated materials

2. Greater outreach through articles – Over the last few years, OGGM has published many free articles online and reached close to 100,000 readers. This is gospel-rich content that engages directly with live issues affecting the culture (especially the UK). Currently, OGGM releases 2 articles per week (avg. 300 readers per article). The fundraiser will enable OGGM to publish 6 per week, projected to increase readership to 1,000 readers per article, totalling over 200,000 annual readers by the end of 2020

3. Dedicated learning course – A one-stop shop for people who are confused about or curious to explore various aspects of the Christian faith Key topics which are in the pipeline include:

– “Gospel 101” – what essential things must you know when you become a Christian?
– “Equipping yourself to fulfil the great commission?”

4. Websites and Podcasts – Online web series from the UK dedicated to addressing current, tricky issues with the gospel.Mini-documentaries showcasing what is like to do missions across the world and in the UK
Interesting, challenging, and thought-provoking podcasts being released more often and with greater reach

5. Partnering with Churches – Online and physical resources to be shared with churches to help them with their gospel proclamation in a digital age. Publication guide for individuals who have just come to faith. Providing training and teaching to churches to remain mobile and active across social media networks

Why partner with us?

We know that as children of God we must remain teachable. Partnerships are therefore welcome in consideration of our growth and Our God-Given Mission will continue to collaborate with churches such as Tenerife Family Church and the Living Room Tenerife whom we have been working with for 4 years as of 2019. It is no secret that through charity, God has allowed us to touch thousands of lives. However, we believe that sound partnership will further enable us to co-create the emergence of a world that is not shrouded in darkness, but open to our he light of the gospel of Christ to the world.

Partner perks include the following:

Monthly Zoom calls – Updates and development – We want you to be part of the journey and to watch as the campaign develops.

Partner Fountain Pen – Memorabilia to commemorate your membership. 

End of the year Gala – Celebration at the end of the year to celebrate the campaign.



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