The transitional period is a time or season in which things are changing from one form to another. It’s when a phase in your life has ended and you’re moving to a new phase. The transitional period is usually uncomfortable and can be quite worrying sometimes. It creates a feeling of uncertainty and leaves people fearful for the future. This article will be discussing how to trust God in the transitional period.
Examples of transitional periods
Transitional periods usually occur where an individual is leaving the known and delving into the unknown or the uncertain. An example of a transitional period is when a person leaves university and starts applying for jobs. Or when a person is leaving one job and either hoping for a new job or moving to a new job. It could also be a waiting period for those who are single and hope to be married. Or even just a move from one country to another or from one year to another.
There’s no exact timing for a transitional period, but it’s common for people to be worried during this time. We may not know what is coming next or how it will come, but it is important that we remember that God does and He is in control. So we must trust God, the author, and finisher of our faith; Hebrews 12:2.

How to trust God in the transitional period
- Tarry in the presence of God: God’s presence transforms, renews, promotes, instructs, rejuvenates and instills hope. Where there is God, there is hope. So spend time in God’s presence, worshipping and speaking to God. It will build you and prepare you for the next steps. There is no way you can tarry in God’s presence without a change for the better occurring. God’s presence will also bulster and strengthen your faith.
- Read the Bible: You need to find out what God is saying concerning you. To find it, you have to search the Word of God. It’s in His word that you will find solace and God’s promises concerning you. God’s word also encourages and reminds us of His faithfulness. The Bible also shows us historical stories of men and women who had faith in God and did great things. It allows you to consider the story of Daniel, Abraham, Joseph, Esther, David, Jesus and so many other great people of faith who went through the transitional and waiting period. Not one of them can say God failed.
- Hold unto God’s promises to you: Hebrews 10:23; “We must hold on to God’s promise that we have said we believed. And we must never let go. He has promised and He will do it.” Job in the Bible was going through a rough and extremely painful period, but He still held on to God; Job 13:15. Remind yourself that while man can fail, God will never and can never fail. So if God has said it, He will surely do it. You need to repeatedly remind yourself of what God has said concerning you. Then remind yourself, that every word that God has spoken, He has fulfilled; Joshua 23:14.
- Keep working on yourself: Don’t stay idle and expect thigs to fall into your laps. Instead, find ways to develop and build yourself. The new skills you acquire and the things you invest in could be the stepping stone to your greater change. So don’t shy away from development and change. Instead grasp life with both hands and do the best that you can. Don’t become idle, David made massive errors that led to a lot of heartache because he was idle (2 Samuel 11); (Proverbs 18:9). But make sure that what you do is not in contravention with the will and word of God. Abraham wasn’t willing to wait and instead he had an affair with Hagar which brought a lot of heartache. Joseph on the other hand held on to his faith and fear of God instead of succumbing to Potiphar’s wife and it worked out gloriously for him.
- Profess goodness and success: There is power in our words, so make use of it. The more you state something, the more you believe it. So speak what you want to see. Speak what God has said to you and speak your hopes out loud. Command your morning, your day, your evening and your night. Profess progress and success into your day and your life.
- Ask God to help your unbelief. If you’re struggling to stay hopeful or full of faith, just ask God to help you have faith. Ask Him to strengthen your faith and He will surely do it. This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us (1 John 5:14).