Stop following Influencers

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In an age where social media influencers and cultural icons shape the thoughts, behaviours, and aspirations of millions, it becomes crucial for Christians to remember and adhere to the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1: “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” This verse offers profound guidance on the importance of resisting the lure of worldly influences and instead, aligning our lives with the example set by Jesus Christ and his apostles.

The allure of worldly Influencers

The modern world is awash with influencers who command large followings on various social media platforms. They often dictate what we wear, how we think, and what we consider important. In many ways, they shape what we think about culture. The power of these influencers lies in their ability to shape perceptions and norms, often promoting values that are antithetical to Christian teachings. Materialism, vanity, and self-centeredness are frequently glamorized, diverting hearts and minds away from the simplicity and humility that Christ exemplified.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with appreciating beauty, fashion, or even some aspects of popular culture, the danger arises when these influencers start to shape our identities and values more than our faith does. As Christians, we are called to be in the world but not of it (John 17:16). This means we must carefully discern what and who we allow to influence our lives.

None of us live in a vacuum so it would be naive to think the social media age has no impact on us. Rather we should be exploring all the different ways these influencers shape us.

Paul’s example: A model for Christian living

In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul boldly invites believers to imitate him as he imitates Christ. Paul’s life was a testament to unwavering faith, sacrificial love, and relentless pursuit of God’s will. He endured persecution, hardship, and ridicule, yet remained steadfast in his mission to spread the Gospel. His writings are filled with practical wisdom and deep theological insights, making him an exemplary model for Christian living.

Paul’s exhortation to follow his example is not a call to idolize him, but rather to see a tangible expression of Christ’s teachings in him. Paul was acutely aware of his imperfections (Romans 7:15-20). Yet, he strove daily to live a life worthy of his calling (Ephesians 4:1). By urging others to follow his example, Paul highlights the importance of visible, lived-out faith that inspires and guides others.

The supreme example of Jesus Christ

More important than Paul’s example is the ultimate model provided by Jesus Christ. Jesus is the embodiment of divine love, mercy, and righteousness. His life and teachings offer the perfect blueprint for how we should live. Jesus’ humility, compassion, and obedience to the Father set him apart from any worldly influencer.

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) is particularly instructive. Here, Jesus outlines the characteristics of a life pleasing to God: meekness, mercy, purity of heart, and peacemaking, among others. These beatitudes starkly contrast with the values often promoted by popular culture, which tends to celebrate assertiveness, self-promotion, and personal gain.

How can you follow Jesus rather than influencers

  1. Engage with scripture regularly: The Bible is our primary source of truth and guidance. Regular reading and meditation on Scripture help us internalize God’s values and resist the pull of worldly influences. By immersing ourselves in God’s Word, we become more attuned to His voice and less susceptible to the clamor of the world.
  2. Prayer and communion with God: Maintaining a robust prayer life is crucial. Through prayer, we seek God’s wisdom and strength to live according to His will. Prayer keeps our focus on God and helps us navigate the complexities of modern life with divine perspective.
  3. Community and accountability: Being part of a faith community provides support and accountability. Fellow believers can encourage us, offer godly counsel, and hold us accountable when we stray. The Christian journey is not meant to be walked alone; we need the fellowship and encouragement of other believers.
  4. Selective media consumption: Be discerning about the media and influencers you follow. Evaluate whether they align with Christian values or if they lead you away from Christ-like living. Choose content that edifies and encourages spiritual growth rather than content that promotes materialism, vanity, or immorality.
  5. Model Christ in everyday life: Strive to embody Christ’s teachings in your daily interactions and decisions. Be a witness to His love and truth in your workplace, community, and home. Your life can serve as a positive influence, pointing others to Jesus.

In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul offers a profound reminder of the importance of following godly examples, with Christ as the ultimate model. In a world saturated with conflicting messages and values, Christians are called to stand apart, living lives that reflect the love, humility, and righteousness of Jesus.

By engaging deeply with Scripture, maintaining a strong prayer life, seeking community, being selective in our media consumption, and modelling Christ in our daily lives, we can resist the lure of worldly influences and instead, be true followers of Jesus Christ.


  • M.T. Omoniyi

    Micheal Timilehin Omoniyi is an innovative, bold, dedicated leader and thinker. He is a serial entrepreneur and builder. In 2018, he was recognised by the Financial Times as one of the 100 most influential leaders in Tech in the UK as the Founder and CEO of The Common Sense Network, a UK Based News Network for and by millennials. He is the Founder and Director of Our God Given Mission, a missions based charity. He is also the founder of The Apex Group, a closed group for CEO’s and Founders where they share best practice. As well as founding several initiatives and organisations, Micheal consults for various charities and organisations.

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