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How to love people you don’t like

In the heart of the Christian faith lies a command that is as challenging as it is transformative: love your enemies and pray for...

How to ‘be still and know’ that he is God.

In today’s fast-paced world, the demands on professionals and students are immense. With constant deadlines, relentless schedules, and the ever-present pressure to succeed, finding...

Do you know you are blind?

When Jesus heals a blind man in John 9, it calls into question our spiritual blindness and how we respond to novel teaching. If...

The fight to see God as Beautiful 

Throughout the scriptures, we are called to worship the Lord. But to worship the Lord rightly we have to know Him. More than that,...

Reading vs Studying the bible: What is the difference?

Unlocking Deeper Understanding: What it Means to Study the Word “Read your bible!” -- You may be very familiar with hearing that phrase from your...

Dont just pay lip service to Jesus

In the book of Luke Jesus gives the parable of the two builders. The parable warns us about the dangers of paying lip service...