Trusting God in Times of Disappointment

Results day is always an emotional rollercoaster. The importance of the day cannot be understated. For some, the day is full of joy, for others disappointment. The heightened emotions were all the more exacerbated this year as hundreds of thousands of students would be receiving their A-Level or BTec results without actually sitting in an exam hall. Whether you’re elated or saddened by your results, one thing I do know is this: despite the outcome, God still has great things in store for you.

It’s OK to Feel

It’s ok to feel disappointed with your results. You shouldn’t brush your feelings under the carpet. Take the necessary time to process how you feel. Speak to those you feel comfortable speaking to and communicate your feelings out in the open. Disappointment and sadness only become a problem when you allow them to consume you and dictate the course of your life. The reason for assessing how your emotions are is that you may eventually address how you feel and move forward rather than remaining in a rut.

Submitting it to God

One December evening I was sat at my living room table, physically and mentally drained. Semester 1 of 1st year had really dealt with me well, but I hadn’t done myself any favours either.  Though I had chosen to study in Manchester, my heart was elsewhere. I was wallowing in self-pity. Then it dawned on me. I had an epiphany of some sort. As I was tired of feeling sorry for myself I realised things had to change. “My God is not a God of coincidence,” I told myself. “I’m in studying in Manchester for a reason. Therefore, let me submit to God and enjoy what He has in store for me.” Since then I’ve never looked back.

God Knows What He’s Doing

With the wonderful experiences I’ve had, the people I’ve met and the growth I’ve experienced as a man in Manchester, I can look back and see how it was God’s will for me to study in the city. While we can only see a small fraction of what is happening, God sees all. Although you may have come to a diversion in your journey, remain hopeful. Times of disappointment test the strength of faith. Whether you’re hurting or rejoicing I challenge you to trust in God’s goodness. Believe that you’re not studying or working in ‘x’ place by mere accident, but it is part of God’s perfect plan for your life. He weaves everything together and works it all for your good. Trust in what He’s doing.

Then Job answered the Lord and said:

“I know that you can do all things,
 and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted”

Job 42:1-2

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28

Seize Every Opportunity

God has great things in store for you. Therefore, I plead with you to seize every opportunity. Throw yourself into the environment in which He’s placed you. Apply yourself as diligently as you can in your work or studies, knowing that much is to be gained and enjoyed. Also, seek out godly community in which you are stretched and challenged. You can really and truly be transformed in the next stage of your life. Yield to God and take up all that He brings your way, grateful for all that He is doing.

Where there is no counsel, the people fall;
But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.

Proverbs 11:14

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

I pray that your excitement may be sustained and expectations exceeded as a new chapter of your life is on the horizon. I pray that anxiety may be converted into joy as you submit to God and seize every opportunity as you begin to see what God is unfolding in your life.


  • Shumi Mararike

    Alongside his Law undergraduate studies, Shumi is on the teaching team at Abide campus fellowship. He is also a youth mentor in both London and Manchester. Shumi joined the writers team with the desire to help readers live gospel-driven lives and develop their confidence when sharing their faith.

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