#Vision2020 is set to be OGGM’s fourth annual retreat and like all of our previous retreats, Vision 2020 is designed with students, young adults, and professionals in mind. Over 5 days, 200 people will gather to ask the question, what would happen if we could see how God sees. If we could see our strengths, struggles, blessings, jobs, gifts how God sees them. How would your life change?
Why does ‘Vision’ matter?
Perspective matters. The way we view things, and the lens in which we do so matters. Our vision, perspective, and lens are all integral in our decisions and determine how we live our lives. This is what we find all throughout scripture, that perspective is often far more important than reality. The prophet Jeremiah exclaims “you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear:” (Jerimiah 5:21. The Psalmist David would tarry in prayer that God would “open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your law” (Ps. 119:18). In Ephesians 1:18, Paul instructs us to see with the eyes of our hearts. Proverb reads that without vision, or revelation, the people perish (Prov. 29:18). Vision of immense importance to God.

Vision isn’t simply what we see, but it is also the way in which we see. In other words, Vision is the lens in which we interpret everything which surrounds us. The problem is, our vision has been distorted. One of the fundamental differences between the believer and the unbeliever is revealed by the way in which we interpret the events which happen around us. The unbeliever uses the lens ‘self’ and interprets events through the standards of the world. The call of the gospel is for the unbeliever to receive a new sight, to see how God sees, to see with His perspective. This is what we witness with Pauls’s radical encounter with God on the road to Damascus. Coupled with a new name, he was also given new sight. Saul was struck blind on the Damascus road as a demonstration of his need to see things in a new way. For the first time in his life, Paul began to see how God sees!
This is the heart behind Vision 2020. The week is going to be focused on how can we gain a kingdom perspective. During a time where everything around us is vying for our attention, where we are all managing our various pursuits, passions, and interests, the question that remains is; Are we seeing as God sees? Are we willing to lay aside our preconceptions in order to adopt the mindset of God? At #Vision2020 we will seek to answer the following question; how do we humble ourselves enough to see as God sees and as a result, love the world as He intended for us to love it?

When is #Vision2020?
The retreat will take place from Monday 22nd June 2020 to Friday 26th June 2020.