6 Christian Books by Black Authors You Must Read

We all know that representation matters and in celebrating Black History Month- the editorial team has compiled a list of must-read books by Black Christian authors. We hope that these books inform and encourage your faith and spur you further in your pursuit of God.

Black and Reformed by Anthony J Carter

Though from an African American centric view, this book is helpful for the black Christian who is either transitioning from or in white reformed circles. Antony J Carter writes this book with an understanding that the black individual understanding of reformed theology may have been marred by its history. Big figures within reformed circles such as George Whitfield, were supporters and affirmers of grievous sins carried out against black people such as slavery; hence why black reformed individuals may struggle with their with where their loyalties lie. In this book, Carter horns home to the struggling Christian that reformed theology is not encapsulated nor is it defined by what these men did or affirmed by Eurocentricity. He also teaches that there have been prominent black people within church history such as Saint Augustine. Reformed theology does not exist to ostracize black individuals or invalidate their experiences, but it is a display of God of how God uses egregious events for His glory and for our good.

A Young Woman’s Guide to Seeking God by Ayo Awotona

In this honest book, Awotona shares how she has navigated the trials in her faith and dealt with her past to walk into the new life. She speaks openly about her life and shares much-needed encouragement to young women on how to seek God in their daily lives. From waking up at 4 am to setting time in her schedule to meet with God, Awotona clearly explains the practical decisions she has intentionally made to deepen her relationship with God. She further expresses how these decisions have impacted her life in navigating the trials that she has faced. This book is a very encouraging addition to the Christian’s journey and will truly inspire you to be more intentional about seeking God.

Relational Intelligence: The People Skills You Need for the Life of Purpose You Want by Dharius Daniels

This book teaches the importance of defining relationships in our life. Even Jesus Himself was selective over His inner circle yet that didn’t stop Him from loving people. 4 categories are highlighted: Associates, Friends, Assignments and Advisors. In a world where our relationships are quite dynamic/fluid, this book helps us to understand the importance of seasons. In one season a person can serve you in one capacity but may not be able to play that same role in another season. Daniels teaches flexibility and appreciation in the different roles people in our lives life may play. They will not all serve the same purpose and that is okay. Either way, whether people are friends or not, still be kind and loving but don’t be afraid to set healthy boundaries and manage your expectations.

Whole, Competent and Consecrated by Christian Mutyambizi

Conceived from experiences within University campus fellowship and a desire to equip those who are tasked to lead these fellowships- this book is a much-needed guide for fellowship leaders. University Christian fellowships are a beautiful space for young Christians to gather and share life and their love for the Gospel but their leaders are oft unequipped in dealing with their roles and with the problems they may discover within themselves and their attendees. They find themselves plagued with the burden of care but unable to find helpful resources to help them in their leadership journey. In each chapter, Mutyambizi offers portions of wisdom derived from lessons he has learnt as a leader and practical steps for us to follow in the aim of employing healthy, biblical and Christ-like leadership. However, it must be stressed that this book is applicable to many spheres of leadership, not just University fellowships.

What is a Man? by Ira Jackson Jr

“What is a man?” This age-old question is on the minds of many and in a society and a fallen world that so often misses the mark on answering this question, we find broken boys and misled men. This book aims to tackle the epidemic of lost men with missing identities by dismantling myths and rebuilding with the truth. As Jackson rightly puts it, “Most men have never been fathered, some have been fathered but not trained, some have been trained but not in the correct things.” With God and His word as the architects of each principle in this book, Jackson teaches us with a heart that is filled with a zeal for his fellow brethren to come to a true understanding and living confidence of who they are and what God has called them to do.

A Promises of God Series by Kim Cash Tate

If you are a sucker for Christian fiction or have never indulged in any, then this series is for you. Comprised of 5 books titled: Though I Stumble, If I Believe, If You’re with Me, When I am Tempted and As Long As I Cling- this series is a sure oasis to a parched soul grasping to find threads of hope when all seems to be lost. Each book follows the stories of teenage to middle-aged black individuals who are trying to navigate their way through life’s troubles whilst seeking God with every dilemma faced. From insecurities, death, romance, addiction, infidelity, teen pregnancies, church hurt and abuse- Tate sensitively threads each story with a human realism that is oft not realised in many Christian fictional books. Though some parts are predictable, these books will surely shed God’s promises in a greater light and make you wholeheartedly echo the same words as Christ, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible!”

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