‘Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of EVERY prisoner fell off!’ – Acts 16:25-26
‘Life happens’. This is a phrase you’ve probably heard more than once. What it really means is that things won’t always go your way and from life, you can expect your fair share of struggles as well as triumphs.
Paul and Silas were down on their luck, once in a great position (missionaries for Jesus), life has stepped in and things quickly changed. By Acts 16, their story had changed now they were in a jail cell, a position no one could have imagined they would be in. Sound Familiar ?

Ever been down on your luck? Ever had something going so well, change so quickly, leaving you deflated and frustrated? Well, there is something you can learn from Paul and Silas, Even when the day seemed to be drawing to the end, time seemed to be running out, and doubt if the Lord will slowly crept in, God gave Paul and Silas a new beginning.
The good news is that he is still in the business of new beginnings today! Midnight here symbolise a dark, hopeless situation. Paul and Silas were faced with a choice to be consumed in self-pity due to their circumstances or to seek the Lord God Almighty, Our Saviour, The God of impossible and our present help in our time of need through prayer and worship.

They chose the latter!
Through the intercession of Paul and Silas, God provided freedom for EVERY prisoner. By seeking God and worshiping him, they were liberated, but also others were liberated in the process!!
- Never give up on the Lord as He won’t give up on you, He’s able. There is nothing God can not do, live in that reality just like Paul and Silas.
- Prayer and worship are powerful tools when going through ‘hopeless’ situations and it invites God into your situation. When you worship and pray and others see they know you are seeking God, so when the impossible happens they know who to praise.
- The prisoner’s freedom were tied to Paul and Silas’ devotion and communion with the Lord. In the same way, when we seek after the Lord to break our chains and provide us with freedom we don’t know what affect we are having on fellow brothers and sisters who are in the same situation. Our destines are tied to others destinies making it vital to draw all we can from the Lord to liberate us to liberate others!

Through your pursuit of God, you will shake foundations and you will most definitely free others from the chains of the enemy. Be persistent with claiming all of God’s promises for your life because when you do it, you also minister to other people. Intercede on behalf of captives and save souls. The destinies of others are tied to your act of obedience
Here’s a short prayer you can pray
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the grace you have given me to see the sunrise again today. I pray that I can seek after you to intervene in all ‘midnight’ situations in my life for the liberation of me and the other tied to my destiny.
Lord I pray that you just use my situation as another way for you to take all the Glory, Honour and Praise. In Jesus name, I pray