Tag: Gospel

Stop following Influencers

In an age where social media influencers and cultural icons shape the thoughts, behaviours, and aspirations of millions, it becomes crucial for Christians to remember and adhere to the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1: "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." This verse offers profound guidance on the importance of resisting the lure of worldly influences and instead, aligning...

How to love people you don’t like

In the heart of the Christian faith lies a command that is as challenging as it is transformative: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44). This call to radical love is not merely a suggestion but a central tenet of living out the Gospel. Understanding the command to love our enemies As followers of Christ, we are invited to embody...

The Great Commission is Our Great Concern

“He is no fool who loses what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” -Jim Elliot. This now-famous quote was written on...

Will We Ever See Complete Justice in Our Lifetime?

The Plight of the Black Woman Oluwatoyin Salau. Breonna Taylor. Joy Morgan. What do these names have in common? Over the past few weeks, it...

The Gospel: A Response to a Broken World

To finish off our 5-day event we focused on The Gospel: A Response to a Broken World. During this season, whether we consider the...

Three Ways To Think About The Gospel And Racism

It’s 2020 and racism is still alive. Thankfully, God is too. Here are three reflections on what the Gospel means for a world still...

Too Bad…or not bad enough?

Somewhere between being too bad and not bad enough, God is waiting to meet you.

What Is The True Gospel

We are excited to announce a new series we are starting here at OGGM. This series is called #ThePulse. It's an opportunity for you...