Christians and Culture

The Riots show that the UK needs healing

In recent weeks, the UK has witnessed scenes of unrest and division that have left many of us troubled and searching for answers. Riots and protests, often born out of deep-seated frustration, have erupted, highlighting the fractures in our society. As Christians, we are called not to turn away from these realities, but to engage with them through prayer and action, striving to be...

Stop following Influencers

In an age where social media influencers and cultural icons shape the thoughts, behaviours, and aspirations of millions, it becomes crucial for Christians to remember and adhere to the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1: "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." This verse offers profound guidance on the importance of resisting the lure of worldly influences and instead, aligning...

How can we make the Asbury revival a constant in our lives

“Revival is a renewed conviction of sin and repentance, followed by an intense desire to live in obedience to God. It is giving up...

Dear Women,

Prefer to listen? Listen here! I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full wellPsalm 139:14 To be...

Cancel Culture vs Calling People Out

Cancel culture has had a huge impact on our generation. Authors, Influencers, Celebrities, basicallyanyone who is in the public eye has probably had a...

God’s Glory In Diversity

All of us are made in the image of God- male and female He created us (Gen. 1:27). Every one of us is made...

Harriet Tubman: A Woman After God’s Voice

Here is a brief insight, detailing the life of Araminta Harriet Ross, who later changed her name to Harriet around the time of her...

Christianity First, Being Black Second

There are very few topics that are discussed in today’s cultural climate that are novel. Whilst the context of these topics such as abortion,...

Frederick Douglass – A Man on A Mission

This is a short introduction into the life of Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, who later changed his last name to Douglass, after a famous...

Is Deconstruction Dangerous?

Thank you for taking the time to follow this series. If you haven't read my first article yet,  please consider reading it before you...

Are Influencers the New Church for Gen-Z Christians Today?

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit,...

How Do I Glorify God in a Job I Don’t Like?

The bible begins with God working. The first attribute of God declared by scripture is God as Creator (Genesis 1:1). Adam, our federal head,...

How to guard your faith in university

Going to university is one of the biggest steps that students take in their education journey. Not just because students pick courses that they...

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting University

Congratulations! You are going to university or beginning a degree course. This can be a daunting experience with many unknowns as it is a...