The Church

The Power of Discipline in our Journey to Lasting Joy

Discipline is a skill we all know we need, yet we often struggle to put it into practice. You often hear people complain about the fact that they have a long list of unfinished tasks, ideas, or projects due to their lack of discipline. As Christians, we know the Bible calls us to be disciplined, especially in our fight against sin. The question is,...

When Love Reaches Out: Discovering the Depth of Jesus’ Compassion

As I read through the book of Matthew, one characteristic of the life of Christ stands out above the rest: His incredible compassion for the people He interacts with. Time and again, where I might have responded with irritation, Jesus responds with mercy. The more I see His compassion on display, the more I stand in awe of Him - and the more I...

Your Pastor Needs You

Your pastor is human. It perhaps doesn’t feel that way when they stand on a pulpit or facilitate a bible study, but pastors are...

Do You Pray for the Persecuted Church?

We all know the church has been persecuted in this world, from the ancient prophets of Israel to the early churches after the death...

Is Offence Enough Reason For Me To Leave My Church?

It has been a tough period for churches over the past 18 months. It has also been a tough period for all those who...

How to Correct Fellow Believers

For the Christian, Yahweh is the one true God (Jeremiah 10:10; John 17:3; 1 Thessalonians 1:9). He has also revealed Himself as the God...

An Open Letter To Those Who Have Suffered Church Hurt

This is an open letter of apology to those who have been hurt by the church. It's a letter for the casualties of the...

Where is my Passion for Evangelism?

As Christians, we are often told to go out and share the Gospel evangelising to the unbeliever. The word ‘evangelism’ is often associated with...

Do You Pray for the Church?

The church is going through trials and exposure in how it is failing in taking care of its sheep, cracks are becoming apparent, and...

Here’s Why You Need A Mentor

As I’ve grown in my walk with Christ, one of the things I’ve learnt to value is community and fellowship. Throughout the Bible, we...

Why Online Services Could Ruin How We Think About Church

Over the past year, churches across the globe have had to adapt or completely create a new way of doing local church meetings. Christians...

A Brief Look At Bible Translation: Is it Reliable?

I confess that I am guilty, at times, of taking my access to the Bible for granted. I don’t often think about how blessed...

How Can I Overcome Social Anxiety When Returning To Physical Church?

As COVID restrictions have begun to ease, your church may have already started meeting in person again or may be planning to do so...

A Warning Against Partiality

Hi reader, thank you for clicking on this article. As a charity, it is due to the donation from individuals that allow us to...