The nature of God

The Power of Discipline in our Journey to Lasting Joy

Discipline is a skill we all know we need, yet we often struggle to put it into practice. You often hear people complain about the fact that they have a long list of unfinished tasks, ideas, or projects due to their lack of discipline. As Christians, we know the Bible calls us to be disciplined, especially in our fight against sin. The question is,...

When Love Reaches Out: Discovering the Depth of Jesus’ Compassion

As I read through the book of Matthew, one characteristic of the life of Christ stands out above the rest: His incredible compassion for the people He interacts with. Time and again, where I might have responded with irritation, Jesus responds with mercy. The more I see His compassion on display, the more I stand in awe of Him - and the more I...

Understanding God’s Call for Violence in the Old Testament

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes.  But...

What Does The Bible Teach About The Trinity?

Even this morning as I began to write this article, my roommate expressed his fear of studying the Trinity. For so many Christians, the...