Tag: Theology

The Power of Discipline in our Journey to Lasting Joy

Discipline is a skill we all know we need, yet we often struggle to put it into practice. You often hear people complain about the fact that they have a long list of unfinished tasks, ideas, or projects due to their lack of discipline. As Christians, we know the Bible calls us to be disciplined, especially in our fight against sin. The question is,...

When Love Reaches Out: Discovering the Depth of Jesus’ Compassion

As I read through the book of Matthew, one characteristic of the life of Christ stands out above the rest: His incredible compassion for the people He interacts with. Time and again, where I might have responded with irritation, Jesus responds with mercy. The more I see His compassion on display, the more I stand in awe of Him - and the more I...

Reading vs Studying the bible: What is the difference?

Unlocking Deeper Understanding: What it Means to Study the Word “Read your bible!” -- You may be very familiar with hearing that phrase from your...

What is apologetics and should I care about it?

Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is the religious discipline of defending religious doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse. Apologetics is an essential discipline within...

Your theology can change your emotions

Have you ever been told that your feelings don’t matter? Or that you ought not to be led by your emotions but by the...

Three Things You Should Know About The Cross

A dear friend of mine recently visited Chile, a catholic nation in South America. Whilst there, she was so overwhelmed by the sheer number...

A Brief Look At Bible Translation: Is it Reliable?

I confess that I am guilty, at times, of taking my access to the Bible for granted. I don’t often think about how blessed...

4 Great Women In The Bible

Hi reader, thank you for clicking on this article. As a charity, it is due to the donation from individuals that allow us to...

Three Reasons Why You Can Trust The Bible

If you were to ask the average person on the street “what is the Bible?” the variation in responses would be astounding. Perhaps more...

The Importance of Paying Close Attention to Worship Lyrics

The Christian worship music scene has become more and more populated over the last few years. With some of the more contemporary songs, it...

What Did Jesus Really Teach About Hell?

As I sit in McDonalds writing this article, hearing AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell” playing in the background, I can’t help but shiver. Any teaching...

Religion Which Pleases God

“Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship.” Perhaps like me, you’ve said something reflecting the same sentiment, or maybe those exact same words...

Why We Should Choose Our Words Wisely

Prefer to listen? Listen here! The way we communicate is always evolving. This evolution seen throughout history is attributed to the change in people’s...

God’s Faithfulness in Genesis

COVID-19 brought many restrictions upon travel, but not for me. I was determined not to allow the pandemic to ruin my plans. In fact,...