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Should Christians take the COVID-19 Vaccine?

As several COVID-19 vaccines make their way to the general population, many questions have been raised about the ethics, testing and development of the vaccine. With so much information available to the public, it can be difficult to ascertain which information is best to consume and which voices to listen to. As a result of this, misinformation and conspiracy theories are on the rise. On this weeks episode of the #Onthetable, we tackle some of these issues and discuss whether Christians can receive a Covid vaccine with a clear conscience.⠀ ⠀

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Guests: M.T Omoniyi, Emmanuel Hammond, Jireh Antwi, Aramide Yusuf⠀

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Christians, Coronavirus and the Vaccine FAQ

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It has been over a year now that we have been inundated with various information surrounding coronavirus and the vaccine. With so much information available to the public, it can be difficult to ascertain which information is best to consume. There is real fear surrounding the vaccine, specifically amongst those most vulnerable and it is essential that people have appropriate information they can trust so they can make informed decisions. Whilst this FAQ is by no means exhaustive, its purpose is to give Christians some direction as to how they should approach thinking about the vaccine and conducting themselves both individually and communally during this pandemic. In this FAQ, I ask 3 Christians 7 questions about the vaccine, lockdown and the Church.
*For privacy purposes, I will only refer to the interviews by their first name.*

1. Why did you take the vaccine?

Sarah: I took the vaccine for several reasons. COVID has had a major impact worldwide and as a medical student and disabled woman not only have I gravely been affected by this virus, but I have also witnessed the ramifications that it has had on others and the NHS first-hand. Vaccines have been around for hundreds of years now and there is concrete evidence of how ground-breaking and life-changing they are. Therefore, since the start of this pandemic, I have been praying for a vaccination. Although it isn’t the only way we can make it out of this pandemic, it is a realistic and effective way we can make it out faster and reduce the deaths as much as possible. So once the news of an effective and safe vaccine broke, I couldn’t wait to get it to not only protect myself but also others.

Hannah: Although hesitant at first, I took the vaccine because after some research and pondering I decided it would be the safe thing to do. Also, I believe, for me working for the NHS puts a little more pressure to make a decision quickly.

Josh: I took the vaccine for a few reasons. The first was to get protection from COVID. I also wanted to protect those around me as I would feel guilty if I gave COVID to someone and they had a bad illness as a consequence. Finally, I took it because vaccines seem to be the only way we will get out of the restrictions.

2. How have you coped since the news first broke out that we were in a pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns since

Sarah: Though the news of the pandemic and the constant rise in the death toll was extremely difficult to deal with, initially I coped quite well. I was at university when the pandemic began and got to return to my family home. Because I have quite a big family and I have a great relationship with my siblings, I didn’t struggle with loneliness and was surrounded by love and support which really helped. However, since returning to university and experiencing two more subsequent lockdowns I haven’t been coping as well. I live alone and I am constantly on placement which makes it difficult to stop thinking about COVID. However, something that has helped me from the beginning of this is trusting that God is still and always will be sovereign.

Hannah: I actually did really well in the first two lockdowns, I enjoyed not having to go to events etc. This last one was hard because life seemed to hit me and everyone around me. My typical outlets like travelling and having a physical church community weren’t accessible so it was challenging.

Josh: Back at the start of 2020, I was concerned and anxious about the pandemic and thought the lockdown was necessary. It was a worrying time, and not only was I worried about the pandemic, but all my final year university assessments and lectures were online which impacted my studies. However, I was very fortunate to have very supportive parents and a good home. In the first lockdown, I did feel myself draw closer to God as I was able to spend more time in the word and spending time with Him. However, I did struggle with not being able to see other people. Not being able to go to church in person and not meeting fellow believers was difficult. The importance of fellowship with brothers and sisters is so crucial which I think sometimes I personally took for granted.

3. What will you advise someone who is fearful of taking the vaccine?

Hannah: I would say that if the fear is how quickly the vaccine was made, it is due to the fact that medicine has advanced so much (as we should expect). Also, things that would typically hinder a vaccine from being finalised are money, resources and research participants all of which was readily available for this vaccine. I would also advise that you do your own research, from actual scientists/doctors, not a WhatsApp group or a random pastor. And finally, I say pray about it.

Sarah: I would say they should do as much research as possible and do so with an open mind. Also, beforehand I think it would be wise to pray for God to give them the wisdom to decipher what is true about vaccinations (as there is a lot of false news out there). I strongly believe that if we all looked at the information and the evidence about the vaccinations currently available to us, we would feel more confident about taking it. That being said it is still possible to do all the research in the world and still have fears which is understandable and okay. In this case, I would say that they should reflect on what exact fears they have, pray about them and also seek to find someone, maybe in their church, that they could speak to about these fears.

Josh: The vaccine has been thoroughly tested. [The vaccine] does provide protection against a nasty disease and is the main way we will get back to some normality. Also, those “side effects” everyone is worried about are a lot less severe (if you have any at all), compared to having COVID itself.

4. Did you have any adverse side effects from taking the vaccine?

Josh: I did not have any adverse side effects but had very mild side effects. I felt a bit tired the evening after having the vaccine. I had a mild headache and saw arm swelling the next day but felt fine after that. Nothing dissimilar to what I have had after flu vaccines.

Hannah: I actually did not feel too great after the vaccine for about 30 hours. I felt really heavy and slightly nauseous, I think that the best way to describe it. My arm was also sore, but like I said the symptoms wore off and I felt fine after.

Sarah: Though I know of some people who did get some side effects after taking the vaccine, I didn’t experience anything other than a little bit of arm soreness for a day after both of my doses. That being said, all the side effects I have heard that people experience aren’t anything different to what people get with other vaccinations that have been around for several years. When you think about what the vaccine is doing and how it is working, it makes sense that some people develop side effects.

5. Why do you “trust the science?”

Sarah: I trust the science because I trust in the God that has provided us with it. The studies were conducted so well and by highly skilled and educated individuals. They have dedicated their lives to this profession and I not only trust that they have done a good job, but I am also able to see concrete evidence that they have. I have gone through both the Oxford/AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccination papers and the evidence is overwhelmingly brilliant.

Josh: Because over the years of history, we can see the advances in medicine and healthcare. I have personally have seen the positive effects of medical development and had many flu vaccinations in recent years. Finally, they have been transparent with the releasing of data regarding the vaccines and have been through rigorous trials and tests for them to be approved.

Hannah: I wouldn’t say I “trust the science”, but I would say that over and over again I’ve seen God use science to save lives. I see it in my daily work, research and my own personal life. Life is so much better for us because The Lord has enabled science to be of benefit for us from the medication, we take in our day to day to life-saving resources in ITU. It’s an act of grace.

6. What would you say to people who think the vaccine is the “mark of the beast”?

Hannah: I would say that maybe it’s time to study the word again by themselves and see what the Lord says after that.

Josh: In response to this I would ask what is the difference between this vaccine and other vaccines; why aren’t they also the “mark of the best”. We also have to be wary as people throughout history have made false claims about what the mark of the beast is. Additionally, if the mark of the beast is a physical mark then it is “to be marked on the right hand or the forehead” (Revelation 13:16), whereas the vaccine is a jab in the arm. The bigger point of emphasis around this passage is to do with what the mark of the beast symbolises, the control of heart allegiance and behaviour; is it to the beast or to the Lamb which is Jesus. When we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ we will not be let go of. Plus, as believers, we are given discernment from the Spirit and we would have a clear choice between having the mark of the beast or not and following Christ.

Sarah: I would say that the “mark of the beast” and the events surrounding it described in Revelation simply does not align with what is happening today. By receiving the vaccine, I am not proclaiming that I am worshipping the beast, it is simply to protect myself and others. I think we should be very careful about using scripture incorrectly to back up our views.

7. How do you think the Church can support its members and the community?

Josh: We need to protect our members and the community as we are called to love our neighbours. Therefore, taking the vaccine is one way in which we can do that. We should also encourage others to take it and what better way to encourage people by taking it ourselves. As well, we should follow the governments’ guidelines to be good witnesses even when we have had the vaccine. Passages such as Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2:11-17 talk about how we should submit to the authorities that God has ordained. So, we should follow their guidance on this issue.

Sarah: Churches are great because they are safe spaces where people can express their stances without fear of judgement. I think Churches need to have more open conversations about the COVID vaccines and the repercussions of taking or not taking them. They can go through the evidence together, discuss fears and pray about them. As well as this because churches are filled with people that have different backgrounds and occupations, they are likely to have a lot of professionals that have advanced insight into vaccinations so they should utilise this. These individuals can answer any questions from both a Christian and scientific/medical perspective and ease any fears people may have.

Hannah: The church (well at least mine) has Drs, scientists, healthcare professionals who can be well versed in these topics, I think utilising their knowledge is key. Also referring members to credible research/ people is also important.

As previously stated, the responses to these questions will not satisfy everybody but I do hope that they will assist in making informed decisions when deciding whether to take the vaccine or how to conduct conversations about fears. No matter our various positions on these issues, as Christians, we must be guided and girded by the truth. May this be both our mission and our delight. Soli Deo Gloria!

To find out more about the COVID-19 Vaccine, and whether or not Christians should take it, listen to the latest episode of The On The Table Podcast!

The Dangers of Gossip And Why We Should Avoid It

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We are inundated with multiple streams of information about the lives of people we do not know. Gossip pages are popular for sharing intimate secrets on a celebrity and we are right there to take it all in. We have become accustomed to gossip as normative conversation and forgotten the dangers it ensues. Why are we so interested in this type of information and what is the allure of gossip that draws us in?

The allure of gossip

The words of a gossip are like tasty bits of food. People like to gobble them up”.

Proverbs 18:8

Even as Christians, we regularly entertain gossip because we like to be ‘in the know’. In having the latest information on the happenings around us and being knowledgeable about people’s business despite not knowing them personally. Whilst we may not consider ourselves gossips, in general, we have to be mindful about what we do with the information we encounter. The habit of gossiping can easily develop from idle conversations about seemingly unimportant issues.

Furthermore, we must be careful about the words we speak because of the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21). In James 3:5, the tongue is described as “a fire” that once sparked can be as destructive as a forest set ablaze. A fire that can corrupt the whole body and influence the course of one’s life (vs. 6). We are warned about the “untameable tongue”:

but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison

James 3:8

There are no positives to gossip. With the power of an untamed tongue, how much more dangerous are the words of a gossip when ignited. Once the fire of gossip starts, it is hard to put out. Gossip is damaging to reputations and character. 

Warnings on gossip

It is true that not all sparks start fires, so not every conversation or discussion about another person leads to gossip. However, we need to recognise the conversations that have the potential to turn into gossip and know how to deal with the difference. A few verses in the bible that can help, as they display the actions of a gossip, are found in Proverbs:

A gossip betrays confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret

Proverbs 11:13

Gossip happens behind backs, in secret and whisperers; it is not an in front confrontation on an issue. If the topic is centred around a person that is not an active participant in the discussion, it could be gossip.

A false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community

Proverbs 6:19

Gossip is typically rooted in lies, falsified narratives and false witnesses. If the stories being shared have not been confirmed as true, it could be gossip.

A twisted person spreads rumours; a whispering gossip ruins good friendships

Proverbs 16:28

Gossip is hurtful, filled with malice, wicked intent and slander. If the words used are negative, insulting or degrading another person, it could be gossip.

The bible counsels against such things (Col. 3:8, 1 Pet. 2:1, Eph. 4:31) and as we have become new in Christ, we should “put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24). This involves a continuous renewing of the mind (Rom. 12:2) and an active decision to move away from gossip.

Dealing with gossip

It is tempting to engage in gossip or innocently enter conversations that turn into gossip. However, we are warned multiple times in the Bible about this type of behaviour. We must make a conscious effort to avoid slanderous talk, malicious words and those who participate in these types of interactions. Here are a few ways to do so:

Change the conversation – Oftentimes, we can be in normal conversations only for it to take a turn towards gossip. In those moments, we can quickly steer the topic in a different direction with a new edifying focus.

Express your discomfort – Nevertheless, when your attempts at new topics have faltered, it could be time to express your concerns, especially amongst friends. A simple “I do not feel comfortable talking about this” should help to send across your message. 

Walk away from the conversation – Ultimately, if you can see that no good will come of the conversation, simply walk away from it. Whether this is physically, walking away in real life, or virtually, by exiting the chat, closing the app or unfollowing the people. We need to have a firm stance that displays ‘we will not engage’.

Primarily, we are called to love our neighbour as ourselves and gossip does not reflect that. It should have no place in our conversations. We should use our conversations to edify and in sharing the good news, not gossip.

Why Returning to ‘Normal’ Isn’t Something We Should Strive For

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If you have ever travelled to Morden or Oval Tube Station in London, you may have come across a noticeboard with the “Thought of the Day”. The best of these are wise and practical, putting a spring in your step as you continue your journey. Take 23rd January 2021 for example:

“In the rush to get back to normal, use this time to decide which parts of normal are worth getting back to”

So then, what “normal” do you want to return to? Here are some suggestions based on valuable lessons learned during lockdown.

Balance business with rest

The Bible has piercing words for the lazy person. They are described as “slothful”, (Proverbs 12:24), “sluggards” (Proverbs 6:6) and people destined for poverty (Proverbs 10:4; 14:23; 21:5). There is no excuse for laziness, but some of us work excessively to the detriment of our well-being. God cares about our spiritual and physical health – so should we. God set the template for us at the end of His creative work (Genesis 2:2). This was not a time of rejuvenation, but cessation of work to mark the completion of His good creation (Genesis 1:31). Unlike God, we grow tired. In the Sabbath, He has made provision to overcome fatigue, but ultimately point toward the rest we can find for our souls in the completion of Christ’s redemptive work. This alleviates us from our strivings to attain God’s favour through our works and rest in the finished work of Christ.

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

(Exodus 20:8-11)

So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.

(Hebrews 4:9-10)

Checking in on others

The isolation of lockdown can cause our loved ones to be consumed by their negative thoughts and driven into despair. Checking in on their well-being has become all the more vital.  Never under-estimate the impact of your presence and a listening ear via phone call. A simple text message of encouragement can lift their spirit in ways that you may not foresee. Show them that they are loved, be your brother’s keeper. We must not merely be reactive to the latest mental health hashtags and campaigns. This is our civic duty as followers of Christ, selflessly loving others. Go out of your way to serve them and meet their needs habitually.

Anxiety in a person’s heart weighs it down,
but a good word cheers it up.

(Proverbs 12:25)

Kind words are like honey—
    sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

(Proverbs 16:24)

The greatest among you will be your servant.

(Matthew 23:11)

Valuing physical fellowship

“Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone.” These lyrics from a Joni Mitchell song, later sampled by Janet Jackson, seem to accurately depict our attitude toward public worship over the past year. The intermittent opening and closing of church has deprived us of the privilege of public worship. Pastors and congregations long to reconvene and attentively sit under the passionate preaching of God’s Word. Voices singing praises unto God in chorus. All this is possible online, but physical gatherings are a more glorious demonstration of the oneness of the church. We best grow and experience the love of Christ amidst the vibrancy of physical fellowship and a shared life in the church. The time for spectatorship at church is over. If there was ever a period to be committed to the life of the local church, it would be post- lockdown. This is a marker of our devotion to God and His people.

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

(Acts 2:42)

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

(Hebrews 10:24-25)

Lockdown is drawing to a close; how will your respond? Will you retreat to harmful practices toward others and self? Will you revert to a low view of public worship? God forbid! Let us draw from what we have learned during this season to make the post- lockdown normal one worth returning to.

How To Restore Your Joy In The Lord

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There are times in our Christian journey where it is difficult to pray, pick up our Bible or even fellowship with one another. Times where it is difficult to continue the race. Times where we forget the why behind what we’re doing; losing our love and joy in the Lord. Here are some tips that can help you restore your joy in the Lord.

Cast everything on Him

Cast your anxieties on me for I care for you

1 Peter 5:7

Prayer is not just a one time formal meeting with God where you ask for protection and forgiveness. Prayer is a thing we constantly do without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), to commune with the Father. It should be like the food we eat and the water we drink. However, prayer can be difficult to do at times, and this is a pitfall that faces us all. During your day try as much as you can just to talk to the Lord. Even though it may seem weird, just talk to Him- either whilst washing dishes, or whilst taking a walk. Just talk to the Lord and tell Him everything. Whether the reason for this down period is a burdened heart, laziness or otherwise, talking to the Lord, who is always there to listen, can help.

At times it may be difficult to do so, I recommend perhaps setting the mood by playing your favourite gospel track or watching your favourite sermon. This can help us remember who God is in our lives, what He has done and why He is our joy.

Engage with your community

Talking with someone you trust can help you navigate things you’re going through. It is important for us to remember that God did not bring us on this Christian walk to be alone, but to exist in unity with the ‘body of Christ.’ Thus it is important for us to engage with this community. As this may be difficult in lockdown, a simple face-time or zoom call to ensure that engagement should suffice. If you struggle with this, OGGM has a weekly ‘Head’s Up’ fellowship that you can be apart of, with members who are always here for you to talk whenever possible.* This may be an individual race, however with the help of Christ and the community He has given us, we can efficiently run this race with Him as our joy in mind.

Do not condemn yourself

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit

Romans 8:1

God knew that times like these would come – that’s why He highlighted that there is no condemnation for those that are in Him. No matter how the devil may try to condemn you or encourage self-condemnation, it is important to hold firm to God’s Word. Of course, this should not be a license to stray away from Him when we want to, but rather it should be a reminder of his grace over us. We should remember that no matter what hardship we’re going through, He is there with us. So when we struggle to see the joy in Him, let’s not punish ourselves. This is what the devil wants, to ensure we forget about Christ and his grace over us.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

Revelation 21:4

Lastly, what do you do when you want to remember how much you love someone? For most of us, we try and remember the good things that said person has done for us. We can apply that same logic to this situation. If we want to remember why we love Christ so much, we should try and reminisce on what He did on the cross for us. He came down to earth, lived a life of obedience and died for us, so that we can be made righteous in the eyes of God. Before this, we were destined for death, but because God was all-loving and merciful, we have been saved. Ponder on these thoughts, keeping in mind that your hope is in Christ and the place in eternity that He is preparing for you. Christ in his own words promises this to you;

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

John 14:3

A place with no tears, death or suffering (Revelations 21:4) and I pray that Christ will help you find that joy in Him, and remain there.

*If you would like to talk to someone or get involved with Heads Up fellowship email us at contact@ourgodgivenmission.com.

4 Great Women In The Bible

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Women play a powerful role in God’s story of redemption throughout Scripture. Whether it’s International Women’s Day or not, this is an important fact that more Christians should know and celebrate.

Here are 5 who we should celebrate more and whose example you can follow in.


Hannah was initially childless, and prayed desperately for a son.

She made a promise to God that if he permitted her to bear a son, she would devote him to God, this was a promise she was intent on keeping.

When God fulfilled this request, she faithfully kept her word. She left her son, Samuel, to be raised in the temple of the Lord while continuing to provide him guidance and mentorship along the way.

The book of 1 Samuel introduces us to Hannah. On top of her womb being closed, her husband’s second wife did have children and used it to provoke her rival in marriage. Understandably distressed, Hannah prayed for a son, promising to return him to the Lord for His sovereign purposes. In God’s providence, He answered Hannah’s prayer through the birth of Samuel, whom He anointed to become a prophet, priest, and judge in Israel.

Do you pray with confidence that God hears and desires to answer your prayers according to His good purposes for your life? Are you praying with a surrendered spirit, ready to relinquish the gifts He gives for the glory of His name?  This is an example to follow because of how Hannah drew close to God. She also offered something she has long desired back to God confirming that her most prized possession was always Him. Because Hannah’s love for God exceeded her love for His gifts, she is an example worth following.

It is not by strength that one prevails; those who oppose the Lord will be broken. The Most High will thunder from heaven; the Lord will judge the ends of the earth

1 Sam. 2:10


Deborah played a very unique role in Israel’s history, serving as the only female judge in a lawless period before the country got its first king. In this male-dominated culture, she enlisted the help of a mighty warrior named Barak to defeat the oppressive General Sisera.

Deborah’s wisdom and faith in God inspired the people. Thanks to her leadership, Israel enjoyed peace for 40 years.

After Moses led Israel out of the land of Egypt and Joshua had led Israel into the land promised to Abraham to conquer the Canaanites, Israel fell into cycles of disobedience that prompted God’s wrath to fall on Israel in the form of slavery to the Canaanites.

In this time, God raised up judges to redeem Israel from political slavery and give them an opportunity to repent. Israel often did repent for a single generation, but fell back into idolatry and disobedience, prompting once again God’s wrath.

“Certainly I will go with you,” said Deborah. But because of the course you are taking, the honour will not be yours, for the Lord will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman

Judges 4:9


Esther was a persecuted citizen of Israel under Persian reign.

In the 7th–6th century BC, Esther was chosen out of the women of Israel to be part of the harem of King Xerxes. She used her political influence to destroy the antisemitic actors who sought to destroy the Jews in Persia, and through her faithfulness, established the Jewish festival of Purim. She was thereafter chosen by Xerxes to be his queen, and she ruled Israel as a Jewish queen of a Gentile nation.

Like Deborah a thousand years earlier, Esther saved Israel from the consequences of its own spiritual folly and established a safe place for Jews to worship in the land. It was on this basis that Judaism was allowed to flourish under Greek and Roman rule in the centuries to come, and it was because of Esther that the ministry of Jesus was able to thrive freely and openly in a public society.

A young Jewish girl living among the exiles in Persia found herself queen of the empire when a plot was revealed to destroy all the Jews. Esther was the woman God had prepared “for such a time as this” to save his covenant people (Esther 4:14). Aware that going uninvited before the king could cost her her life, Esther went to plead for the life of her people.

Just as God used one woman’s courage to be an instrument of salvation for His people, He still uses women today who are willing to proclaim His name. Esther reminds us to count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ our Lord (Philippians 3:8). The days ahead may give us even greater opportunities to follow her example.


Priscilla was a powerful church leader in the book of Acts.

She and her husband, Aquila, led the church in maintaining theological purity, love for the poor, and mentorship of young, charismatic leaders such Apollos, who were still figuring out how Jesus fit into God’s story of redemption.

Priscilla represents God’s counter-cultural insistence upon the dignity of women in church leadership and the power He plans to accomplish through them to revolutionise what it means to belong in the people of God and what women can do to lead by example in faithfulness and hospitality.

He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately

Acts 18:26

These strong women in the Bible held the line of faithfulness when many men in Israel were satisfied to capitulate to the paganism of Canaan, Persia, and Greece.

These women represent not only the kind of bravery to which all Christians are called to in the face of suffering, but represent a uniquely powerful purpose which God has designated for women to achieve.

How do you combat the feeling of loneliness during lockdown?


The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has made it harder to be with others. Contact with family and friends continues to be limited, and with social and leisure activities are restricted, for many of us, the last year has been one marked with feelings of loneliness. So what hope does the Bible give for those who may feel this way?

Join the discussion online by using the hashtag #ThePulsePodcast. 

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How To Be Your Brothers Keeper

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Genesis 4 tells the story of Cain and Abel. We know that in the end Cain commits a senseless act and kills his brother. Before that, however, we see God ask Cain about Abel saying ‘Where is your brother Abel?’(Genesis 4:9) Now, God already knew what Cain had done to Abel. However in questioning Cain about his whereabouts implied that He had ascribed to Cain a level of brotherly responsibility. God wanted Cain to be able to account for his brother and that speaks volumes to the relationship God wants us to have with our brother and sisters on earth today.  There is no question to how important brotherly love is to God:

If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.

John 4:20

In a world of social media, it is easy to be deluded into thinking that people do not need a brother or sister to show them care and affection. That people have it altogether and are completely fine. This is not always the case. The global pandemic has left a left a lot of people feeling cut off and isolated – more than ever people are in need of brotherly love.

These are three ways to be your brother’s keeper;

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love

Sometimes we think honour is exclusive to certain people. We are quick to honour our favourite celebrities and people we look up to but how often do we honour the people around us. This could mean buying a gift, sharing a compliment, paying a visit etc. The Bible instructs us to outdo each other in showing honour (Romans 10:12) meaning we should be proactively seeking to honour the people within the body of Christ, no matter the type of relationship we have with them. The word devotion also instructs an intentionality and persistence in caring, loving and honouring one another.

Let your love be genuine

Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind

Peter 3:8

Brotherly love is central to being your brother’s keeper but if that love is not coming from the right place it will bear no fruit. The Bible instructs us to let our love be genuine. (Romans 12:9) Peter describes the type of attitude Christians should have for one another and perfectly directs us in what is needed to genuinely love. A humble mind to serve your friend, sympathy for conflict resolutions, unity of mind for understanding and a tender heart to maintain the friendship and love in all seasons.

A desire to serve

The purpose of service is so that God can reach others through our hands. Jesus is the ultimate example as we see Jesus lay down His whole life in service to us.

Through love serve one another.

Galatians 5:13

Constantly looking out for how we can serve one another and be of help is key. The silent cries for help must be acknowledged even when they are not directly aimed at us. In order to acknowledge this requires being less focused on self and actively focusing on others.

God is looking for those who will take up the burden of caring for others. A relevant quote states; ‘people are either giving love or crying out for it.’ Therefore it is important that we attempt to avail ourselves for others, being our brother’s keeper just as our Saviour has made himself readily available for us and kept us through and in His everlasting love. (John 3:16)

A Warning Against Partiality

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As a young Christian, I have observed a pattern within the modern Church where Christians can be extremely partial in whom they follow, acknowledge, support and praise according to popularity or social standing. Partiality is a dangerous sin that is warned against many times in the Bible. It breeds cliques and creates subconscious hierarchies. In this article, I will be referring to the Book of James to explore more about what the Bible says on partiality.

Jesus was not partial

have you not then made distinctions amongst yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?

James 2:4

The basis of the Christian faith lies in the existence of Jesus and His show of love for us, despite our sin (John 3:16). To truly understand this ultimate display, we must first come to terms with the fact that He died for us whilst we were still sinners (Romans 3:23). We must understand that whilst we were still sinners, He granted us a way out of what seemed to be inescapable (Romas 5:8). He is just and impartial, that is why He offered salvation to all who believe (Romans 1:16) through the gift of faith (Eph 2:8-10), creating a body of belivers who are all in the same standing, called to one faith.

Partiality is such a dangerous sin, especially because it can be difficult for us as young Christians to notice it. James 2 describes a scenario where discrimination is shown towards a poor man in comparison to a rich man. It ends with verse 4 saying “have you not then made distinctions amongst yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?” See, partiality leads to unnecessary divergence, even though we are all called to be one body. Based on charisma, popularity, even physical appearance – the list could go on – young Christians can get caught in the trap of following one group over another, based on shallow metrics. This can further lead to blinding young Christians with a word that may not be necessarily scriptural. Christ loves us all irrespective of where we stood in sin. We should aim to follow these steps, removing partiality from the Church and treating everyone equally despite our biases.

A warning against partiality

Judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

James 2:13

A problem with partiality is it causes us to assume judgment over people in the Church. Partiality forces a judgment on people, creating a system only inclusive to “popular” believers, or believers who are perceived to be of a high moral standard. We are warned against this in the Bible – that if we judge without mercy, the same would be shown unto us. Additionally, the hierarchy automatically assumes us as judges and acts to lessen the work Christ did on the Cross for all, despite our state. If Christ judged us all the same, then we should strive to humble ourselves in our behaviour towards members of the Church body.

If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.

James 2:8

How would you feel if partiality was shown towards you? Would it pull you closer to Christ or deter you from Christ? Partiality is not edifying to the body of Christ nor does it promote the Christian message of inclusivity, “a body with many parts”, “loving thy neighbour”. We must shift out of our bias and move towards embracing everyone within the body, in the same way, Christ embraced us and still continues to embrace us.

Biblical Optimism

What kind of organisation is Atheism: a non-prophet organisation.

Optimism is “the tendency to expect the best possible outcome or to dwell on the most hopeful aspects of a situation.” 

Optimists usually feel that “good things” will happen in the future or that what they hope and dream for will happen. By nature, most people tend toward either optimism or pessimism, regardless of their relationship with God.

Everyone’s glass is either “half full” or “half empty.” So, optimism is not necessarily the same as faith in God. It can be a natural personality trait that has nothing to do with faith.


  • Are you a half full or half empty person?
  • What do you think when you see road works or unfinished buildings?

Worldly Optimism

Worldly optimism is not based on faith in God. Many unbelievers simply refuse to worry because life is more pleasant that way.

“Don’t worry; be happy” is their motto. 

They may place their faith in any number of lesser gods, such as karma, denial, the “universe,” or intentional ignorance. This may work temporarily, but it is a misplaced optimism with no real foundation.

Optimistic people find more enjoyment in life and are usually more pleasant to be around because they refuse to worry about things they cannot control. However, simply because a person appears optimistic does not mean that he has great faith in God or that her faith is appropriately placed.

Without realising it, some Christians also place their faith in a “lesser god” because they have a misunderstanding of faith.

  • They may stubbornly cling to the belief that they will receive whatever they want simply because they believe it hard enough.
  • They take care to appear outwardly optimistic because they fear that “negative confessions” might cancel out their prayer requests.
  • Or they simply cling to the notion that there’s power in positive thinking. This is false optimism because it is not based on the sovereign nature of God but on their own ability to believe hard enough to get what they want.

This can lead to confusion and disillusionment with God when their requests remain unfulfilled. 


  • Where does the impulse to trust in a Lesser God come from?

Biblical Optimism

Biblical optimism is the result of faith in the character of God. 

The Bible refers to this as “hope.” Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

When we hope in God, we put our trust in His sovereign plan above what our circumstances tell us. 

Romans 8:23–35 explains it this way: “But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” Paul is speaking of our future reward and the things that “God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

If we redefine Optimism then!

Optimism (Proverbs 4:23; Luke 21:18; John 16:33; Romans 8:25; 28; 15:13; Colossians 3:1-4) combines hope and faith into synergy (the combination supercharges and become more than just the sum of its parts) to be positive for Christ. It is heartfelt confidence that everything will come out for the best, no matter what happens, as Paul proclaimed. It will help us to think the best of and be positive with people and all situations, even if we are proven wrong.

Regardless of what may happen in this life, we know that God sees, cares, and will “wipe every tear from our eyes” when we are forever with Him (Revelation 21:4).

 That confidence can give us an optimistic outlook, even in difficult circumstances. Biblical optimism does not place so much emphasis on earthly events. It can accept difficult circumstances because it believes that “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). Godly hope looks beyond what we understand to view life from God’s perspective.

God designed us to live with hope. 

Psalm 43:5 says, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. 

Optimism is a choice. When we choose to trust God for everything, we can rest in His promises to take care of us the way He sees fit (Philippians 4:19; Luke 12:30–31). 

We can “cast our care upon him” (1 Peter 5:7), “let our requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6), and accept His “peace that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). 
Knowing that we have a loving heavenly Father who desires to care for us and provide for us should give every child of God a reason for true optimism (Matthew 6:8; Luke 12:29–31).

  1. How would you define Optimism? Are you a person who is positive with your outlook? Why, or why not?
  2. When would there be an occasion to distrust a person or situation?
  3. How does being Pessimistic counteract Optimism? What is the cost to others (God, family, friends, neighbours, church, workplace, etc.) when you are a negative person?
  4. What happens to your relationship with God, with others, and with the opportunities God gives you, when you are negative?
  5. When have you been filled with Optimism the most?
  6. In what situation did you fail to be positive when you should have been?
  7. What issue is in your life that would improve with more Optimism? Are you willing to be a passionate person?