The Bible & Theology

The Riots show that the UK needs healing

In recent weeks, the UK has witnessed scenes of unrest and division that have left many of us troubled and searching for answers. Riots and protests, often born out of deep-seated frustration, have erupted, highlighting the fractures in our society. As Christians, we are called not to turn away from these realities, but to engage with them through prayer and action, striving to be...

Stop following Influencers

In an age where social media influencers and cultural icons shape the thoughts, behaviours, and aspirations of millions, it becomes crucial for Christians to remember and adhere to the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1: "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." This verse offers profound guidance on the importance of resisting the lure of worldly influences and instead, aligning...

When God says “No”

When we pray, do we always assume that God is going to give us what we ask for? Often we use phrases such as...

Do We Still Believe in the Saving Power of God?

There can be many obstacles in our society that diminish our ability to openly share the gospel. At the same time, our generation has...

What Is The Gospel?

When you think of the gospel, what comes to mind? What does it mean to you? Sometimes the word Gospel can have a vague...

Is the Bible One or Divided?

Is the Bible one or divided? Is it just a book filled with many stories of different people? Can we read just one Testament...

Is The Bible Misogynistic?

The rise of feminist movements denouncing misogyny in 'all its forms' (the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women) has brought about positive change however...

Why Are The Wages of Sin Death?

A reality all humans have to reckon with is death. Death reminds us not only of our mortality, but also our sinfulness. Paul makes...

5 Things You Need To Know About Satan

The Bible speaks at length about Satan. Despite this, we can fall into the trap of being too dismissive of his activity and influence....

What Hills Should We Be Willing to Die On?

When engaging with other Christians, when should doctrine divide, and when should unity prevail? This is a question that each of us must grapple...

The Doctrine of Immutability: Knowing the God That Never Changes

The character of God has been brought into question since the very beginning. Is God who He says is? Or does He change depending...

What Does it Mean To Be Free In Christ?

I am saved by grace, what next, do I keep living as I was before, just with the knowledge of the grace of God?...

When It Feels Like God Isn’t Answering

How do we respond when something we long for doesn’t happen or is taking a long time to happen? We’ve all been there, where...

Sin doesn’t define the Christian, Christ does

It seems like every week there is a new scandal involving a Christian which leads to the understandable question from non-believers, “why don’t Christians...