
The Power of Discipline in our Journey to Lasting Joy

Discipline is a skill we all know we need, yet we often struggle to put it into practice. You often hear people complain about the fact that they have a long list of unfinished tasks, ideas, or projects due to their lack of discipline. As Christians, we know the Bible calls us to be disciplined, especially in our fight against sin. The question is,...

When Love Reaches Out: Discovering the Depth of Jesus’ Compassion

As I read through the book of Matthew, one characteristic of the life of Christ stands out above the rest: His incredible compassion for the people He interacts with. Time and again, where I might have responded with irritation, Jesus responds with mercy. The more I see His compassion on display, the more I stand in awe of Him - and the more I...

Jesus Leaves The 99 to Find The One – Toye Akinoso One of the most remarkable things about the God we see in the scriptures is that He actively pursues the lost. There is...

Are You in Shallow or Deep Waters? – Mike Omoniyi

  As Christians, we must understand that when it comes to growing in Christ, there is no graduation. Whether you have had a relationship with...

Praying Through The Darkness

Day four of this 5-day event was centered on Praying through the darkness. Praying through dark times is hard. What do I pray? Will...

Dealing with Loss

Day three of this 5-day event was centered around the topic of dealing with loss. Dealing with loss has become a frequent reality in...

The Gospel: A Response to a Broken World

To finish off our 5-day event we focused on The Gospel: A Response to a Broken World. During this season, whether we consider the...

Living Hope

Day two of this 5-day event was focused on living hope. Look at the current state of this world. It is no secret that...

Dealing with Pain

Day one of this 5-day event began with us tacking, head-on, the issue of pain. When we look around the world, pain seems to...

How to Unlock Hope in Startling Racism with Mike Omoniyi Pastor Joe and Stacie are joined by Mike Omoniyi, founder and CEO of The Common Sense Network and Founder and Director of Our God...

Don’t Waste Your Life? This was recorded at our #FOCUS2017 retreat. SPEAKER: Mike holds a bachelor’s degree in Politics Philosophy and Economics. He is currently working on a Masters...

You Only Live Once SPEAKER: Jesse is the youth and young adult pastor at The Lighthouse Church. Jesse has been part of The Lighthouse for 8 years. He leads...

Representing God at work SPEAKER: Bajo has a bachelor’s degree in history. His involvement in Jesus House dates back to 1994. He was ordained an assistant pastor in...